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单词 phrasal speak
phrasal verb speak
speak for 代表……说话;为……辩护
speak highly of 称赞
speak out 大胆讲出来
speak up 坦率说出自己的看法


speak for
So people of the Public Relations are hired to speak for them.于是,公共关系部门的人被雇来为他们说话。He told the town officials that they should speak for the citizens.他告诉市政官员,他们应该为市民说话。Speaking for myself I can say: it was the most important single lesson of my life.就我个人而言,我可以说:这是我一生中最重要的一课。
speak highly of
By describing the shortened classics as “a breath of fresh air”, Ms. Weir speaks highly of the cut-down classics.韦尔女士将缩短后的经典作品形容为 "一股清新的空气",她对删减后的经典作品给予了高度评价。Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, which, of course, made the others unhappy.多萝西总是高度评价她在剧中的角色,这当然会让其他人不高兴。
speak out
I want to speak out and be as helpful as I can be.我想说出来,并尽可能地提供帮助。Hannah began to speak out about the homelessness in Manitoba and then in other provinces.Hannah开始为马尼托巴省以及其他省份的无家可归者大声疾呼。
speak up
Speak up. Simon’s the expert on this.说出来。西蒙是这方面的专家。Just then, another man, standing behind the first, spoke up.就在这时,站在第一个人身后的另一个人开口了。It means that crew members should listen and speak up for a good result, regardless of positions.西蒙说:"这意味着机组成员应倾听并大声说出好的结果,无论职位高低。He was a better pilot—and my boss—so it felt unusual to speak up.他是一个更好的飞行员,也是我的上司,所以说出来感觉很不寻常。CRM requires that the pilot/surgeon encourage others to speak up.CRM要求飞行员/外科医生鼓励其他人说出来。At this point the unwilling parent speaks up.在这一点上,不愿意说的家长说了出来。




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