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单词 execute
execute/′eksɪkju:t/vt [-d,-d/ ɪd/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

(1) 执(实,履)行;实施;贯彻;完成(carry out; do; perform)[T+n] (fml):~an assault/a fire/a piece of work/orders 实施攻击/开火/完成一件作品/执行命令;The general's plans were~d by his subordinates. 将军制定的计划由他的下级军官去执行。See that my orders are fully~d. 我的命令一定要彻底执行。〖同〗 effect,discharge,accomplish,fulfill,achieve,complete,realize,enforce;

(2) 使(法律文件)生效;使合法(put into effect) [T+n] (fml):~a will/a legal document 使遗嘱/法律文件生效;

(3) 将 …… 处决,处死(put to death by order of law) [T+n]:~a criminal 处决罪犯;be~d as a spy/for treason 因间谍罪/叛国罪被处决; The war criminal was~d by hanging (on the gallows)/by firing. 那个战犯被绞死/被枪决。〖同〗 kill;

(4) 演奏(乐曲),表演 (perform a piece of music)[T+n]:The pianist~d the sonata perfectly. 那位钢琴家将奏鸣曲演奏得非常完美。The violin concerto was~d with great flair. 以极大的天赋演奏那首小提琴协奏曲。〖同〗 perform,play,do,act;

(5) 制作(艺术品) (make or produce a work of art esp according to a design) [T+n]:~a painting/a sculpture 绘制油画/制作雕塑;

→͵exe′cution n 执行;͵exe′cutioner n 刽子手;′executor n 执(实)行者;exe′cutory adj 行政上的;






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