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单词 追根究底

追根究底寻根究底;穷根究底zhuī gēn jiū dǐ

dive (/get)to the bottom of; get at (/to)the roots of things; inquire deeply into; inquire into the root of the matter; investigate thoroughly; probe into the causes
❍ 只有一班闲人们却还要寻根究底的去探阿Q的底细。(鲁迅《呐喊·阿Q正传》104) Some idlers who wanted to get to the bottom of the business went to question Ah Q carefully.
❍ 当一件事情弄糟了的时候,~,似乎每人都有些过关。(柳青《铜墙铁壁》99) Probing into the causes,it seemed to him that none of the men were blameless.
❍ 陈祖庭并不虚心听群众的意见来改正自己, 只是对别人的话感到兴趣, ~。 (草明 《原动力》65) Chen Zuting did not really want to hear the group’s opinions in order to improve himself,but felt curious about their gossip and wanted to hear details.


get to the root (or bottom)of the matter;go into the whys and wherefores of sth

追根究底zhuī ɡēn jiū dǐ

义同“追本穷源”。same as“追本穷源”。





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