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单词 追本穷源

追本穷源溯本追源zhuī běn qióng yuán

get to the root of the matter; go back to the source(/origins); go into (/have)the why and wherefore of it; investigate (/probe)into the origins of; search(/get down) to the bottom of; sift into a matter to the bottom; trace (back)to the beginning (/source/very roots)of; track down the origin
❍ 十年后,人们仍要求对那个神秘的事件~。Ten years later people still demanded to inquire into the root of the matter concerning that mysterious accident.

追本穷源zhuī běn qiónɡ yuán

追:追究;本:根本;穷:深入探究。指追究探索事物发生的根源。trace to it’s source, search to the bottom of, go to the fountain-head, get to the root of the matter, want to hear the details, go into the whys and where fores of sth.





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