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单词 executive
executive/ ɪɡ′zekjətɪv/ adj [无comp]; n

adj (1) 执行的;管理的;实施的(of or capable of carrying out plansdutiesetc) [通常作attrib]:~status/skills 管理状况/技巧; a man with~potential 具有管理潜力的人;be of great~ability 极有管理能力; She did well in the firm because of her~abilities. 她的管理能力使她在公司里干得非常出色。An~job is a job at managing something. 管理工作就是对某些事物进行管理。〖同〗managerial,administrative;

(2) 行政(官)的(of the branch of government concerned with putting the country's laws into effect) [通常作attrib]:(an)~committee/authority/branch/order/powers 执行委员会/行政当局/行政部门/行政命令/行政权力;the E~Head of the United States (the president) 美国最高行政长官(总统);〖同〗 administrative,leadership;

n (1) (公司、工会等的)执行者,经理级主管人员,执行委员会(person or group that has administrative or managerial authority in businessorganizationtrade unionetc) [CGp]:an~in an insurance company 保险公司的主管人员; a good/a business~优秀的/商业管理人员; He is on the~that is organizing the conference. 他是组织这次会议的执委会成员。The~has/have made an important decision. 执行委员会(委员)做出了一项重要决策。an~briefcase 经理包; 公文包; 〖同〗 administrator,director,manager; 〖反〗 labourer,worker;

(2) 行政官 (person or persons in whom the supreme executive power of a government is vested) [C]:a woman~女行政官员; the chief~最高行政官; The highest~of a state is the governor. 一州的最高行政长官为州长。E~Order 总统令; E~Mansion 总统(州长)官邸;

(3) 行政部门 (branch of government concerned with putting the laws into effect) [Gpthe~];

→ e′xecutively adv 行政上; 管理上;e′xecutiveness n 执行





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