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单词 explain
explain/ ɪk′spleɪn/ vt

(1) 解释,说(阐)明,讲解 (make (sth) clear or easy to understand; clarify) [T+nT+wh-infT+whD+n+prep(to)]:~the rules of a game/the meaning of a poem 解释游戏规则/一首诗的含义; She could not~her own emotions. 她无法解释自己的感情。~(to sb)what he was saying/why he was late/how the machine works/how to use the parachute(给某人)解释他在说些什么/他为什么迟到了/机器的工作原理/如何使用降落伞;Can you~the sentence to me? 你能给我解释一下这句话的意思吗? That can be easily~ed. 那很容易解释。〖同〗describe,demonstrate, illustrate;

(2) 说明……的理由; 为……辩解(护) (offer or give reasons for; account for) [T+nD+n+prep (to),T+thatT+wh-infT+whD+to+n+thatD+to+n+wh-infD+to+n+wh]:~one's behaviour/one's failure 对自己的行为/失败做出辩解; That~s his disappearance/why he did not come. 那就是他失踪/为什么没来的原因。give someone a chance to~给某人一个解释的机会;~what had happened/where his brother had gone 说明所发生的事/他的兄弟去了哪里;~his theory to the professor 向教授说明他的理论;~to the teacher why he was late/that he had to leave at once 向老师解释他迟到的原因/他必须马上离开; 〖同〗 interpret,justify;〖反〗confuse,misinterpret;

explain oneself 说明自己的意思,为自己的行为作解释(辩解):Can you~yourself? 你能把自己的意思说清楚吗? Late home again! Please~yourself. 你回家又晚了!你能解释这是因为什么吗?

explain away (v adv) 把 …… 解释过去 (vt):~away one's fault 将自己的过错解释过去;

→ ex′plainable adj 可说明(解释)的;͵expla′nation n 解释,说明;ex′planatory adj 解释的,说明的;

【辨异】explaininterpret均作“解释”讲。explain 指解释那些人们尚不知道或不明白的事物,如:Please explain this rule to me. (请给我解释一下这条规则。)interpret 则指通过释义、翻译或讲解说明某事的含义,如:interpret a poem (讲解一首诗)。





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