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单词 except
except/ ɪk′sept/ prep;vt [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

prep 除 …… 之外(not including;other than):All the eggs~one are broken. 除了一个鸡蛋之外其他的都打破了。They are all here~him. 除了他之外其他的人都在这儿。E~for a slight headache,I feel much better now. 除了还有一点头痛,我现在感觉好多了。Everyone went to the movies~(for) me. 除了我之外所有的人都去看电影了。We went nowhere~to school. 除了学校我们哪儿都没去。He cannot spare any time~on Sunday. 除了星期天之外他都没空。It never snows~in December. 只有12月份才下雪。I never go to his room~at his invitation. 除非是他请我, 不然的话我从不到他的房间去。I could do nothing~to sit and wait. 除了坐等我毫无办法。She can do everything~cooking. 她什么都会做,就是不会做饭。I know nothing about the other students~that there are twelve of them. 对那些学生我一无所知,只知道他们是12个人。I could leave early ~I don't want to. 只要我愿意就可以早走。I know nothing about the accident~what I read in the paper. 除了从报纸上所读到的之外,我对那次事故什么都不了解。He never comes to see me~when he wants to borrow money from me. 除了来找我借钱,他从不来看我。I can understand everything~why he failed to pass the examination. 我什么都能理解,就是不明白他为什么考试没有及格。〖同〗 excepting,excluding,but,save,saving,besides; 〖反〗 including;

vt 把 …… 除外(去),不把 …… 包括在内 (leave out; not include)[T+nT+n+prep (from)]: Of course I~you. 我当然会把你除外。(with) nobody~ed 没人可以例外;~sb from criticism/punishment 不批评/不惩罚某人; The minors are~ed from the regulation. 未成年者不受此规定限制。〖同〗 exclude,eliminate,remove; 〖反〗 include,count;

→ex′cepting prep 除 …… 外;

【辨异】 1) exceptbesides的区别见BESIDES。2) exceptbutsave2的区别见BUT。





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