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单词 exhibition
exhibition/ ͵eksɪ′bɪ ⨜n/ n

(1) 展览(会,品),陈列(品) (collection of objects of artindustryetc that are shown in public) [C]:an~of children's books 儿童图书展; attend/see/hold/go to an~出席/参观/举办/去看展览会; place an artistic handicrafts on~将一件手工艺品放到展览会上展出; There will be an~of modern art at the art gallery. 艺术馆将要举行现代艺术展览。~building/hall 展出大楼/厅;〖同〗 exhibit,show,showing,display,demonstration;

(2) 显示(露),表现 (act or example of showing (a quality or feelingdisplay) [Can~]:an~of bad manner/bad temper/strength 不文明的表现/显露坏脾气/显示力量;an opportunity of the~of one's knowledge 展示某人知识的机会;〖同〗showing,display,demonstration;

(3) (英)奖学金 (money that is given to a student by a schoolcollegeetc so that he/she can study there) [C];

make an exhibition of oneself 出洋相,当众出丑:Stop behaving so stupidly; you are making an~of yourself. 不要再做蠢事了,你在当众出丑。

on exhibition 展出:The picture will be on~for a month. 这幅画将展出一个月。

→͵exhi′bitioner n 展出者,获奖学金的大学生;






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