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单词 exit
exit/′eksɪt,′eɡzɪt/ n;vi [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

n (1) (演员)退场(出),出去 (act of going out or departingesp that of an actor from the stage) [C]:Hamlet's~. 哈姆雷特退场。make a hasty/a quick/a noisy/a swift~急忙/快速/闹哄哄地/急速地退出; make one's~from the stage/through the door (window) 退出舞台/从门(窗)退出; The hero made his/a graceful~主角退场/优雅地退下。~visa 出境签证; 〖同〗 departure,withdrawal,retreat,escape; 〖反〗entrance;

(2) 出口;安全(太平)门;通道(passage or way out) [C]:an~from the airport 机场的出口; leave(take)/use an~离开/使用出口; at the~of a department store 在百货公司的出口; Where is the fire/the emergency~? 火警/紧急通道在哪里? The~was blocked. 出口被堵塞了。The theater has six~s. 这家剧场有六个安全门。There are four~s from the airport. 机场有四个出口。an~sign 出口标志;〖反〗 entrance;

vi (1) 退出(场);离去 (make one's exit; depart; leave the stage) [I]:~in a hurry/from a party 匆忙退出/离开聚会; Please~by the side door. 请从侧门出去。〖同〗 leave,depart,escape,withdraw; 〖反〗 enter;

(2) (舞台指示) 退场,下 (go off the stage) (只用于第三人称单数):E~ Hamlet. 哈姆雷特退场。

【注意】 用作舞台说明时,exit要放在第三人称单数主语的前面,不加 “s”, 也没有时态变化。

【说明】 当用于第(2)义主语是复数时,其形式为exeunt /′eksiǝnt,′-iʌnt/。





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