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单词 exchange
exchange/ ɪks′t⨜eɪndʒ/ n [-s / ɪz/]; vt [-s / ɪz/; -d,-d /d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1) 交(调,互)换 (giving and taking of one thing or person for another) [CU]:an~of feelings/ideas/opinions/gifts/prisoners/goods/information/gun-fire/letters 交流感情/交流思想/交流观点/交换礼物/交换战俘/交换货物/交换情报/交火/通信;a fair~公平交易; have an~of views on the matter 就这件事交换看法;give sb a book in~for a pen 用一本书去换取某人的钢笔;make/conduct an~进行交换;There was an~of greetings among the old friends. 老朋友们互相问候。〖同〗 interchange; 〖反〗 keep;

(2) 交谈;争论 (conversation or dispute)[C]:an angry/a bitter/a friendly/a heated~愤怒的争论/尖锐的争论/友好的交谈/激烈的争论; an~of words/remarks 争论;

(3) (钱币的)兑换 (act of exchanging the money of one country for that of another of the same value) [U]:the rate of~兑换率; foreign~外汇;~control 外汇管制; the~of French francs for American dollars 用法郎兑换美元;

(4) 交易所 (place where business shares are bought and sold or international financial dealings carried on)[C](E~):the Commodities/Foreign/Grain/Stock/Labour E~商品交易所/外汇交易所/粮食交易所/股票交易所/职业介绍所(英) ;

(5) (电话局的)交换台; 总机 (central telephone system where lines are connected) [C]:the central telephone~中央电话局;

in exchange (for) 交换,和 …… 交换:If I give you these stamps,what will you give me in~? 如果我给你这些邮票,你用什么和我交换? I gave him my camera in~for his watch. 我用我的照相机去换他的手表。

vt (1) 交(互)换,(giveprovide or transfer (sth of the same kind or value for another)) [T+nT+n+prep (for/with)]:~prisoners of war 交换战俘;~places/seats (with sb) (与某人)交换位置/座位;~furs for flour,coffee and gunpowder/ a 1-pound note for two 50p pieces/one's labour for money 用皮毛去换取面粉、咖啡和火药/用一英镑的钞票换两个50便士的硬币/出力挣钱;〖同〗 trade;

(2) 调换(replace sth unsatisfactory with sth else) [T+nT+n+prep(for)]:~the black hat for a blue one 将那顶黑色的帽子换成蓝色的; The shirt can be~d but it cannot be returned for a refund. 那件衬衣可以调换,但不能退货。

(3) 交换(流) (give and receive in return)[T+n]:~Christmas gifts/glances/letters 交换圣诞礼物/眼神/信件;~experience/views (with sb) (与某人)交流经验/观点; They~d rings when they promised to marry each other. 当他们答应结婚之后互相交换了戒指。Ambassadors were~d between the two countries on July 1. 两个国家于7月1日互换了大使。

exchange blows/words 互相殴打/争吵:They~d blows/words with each other. 他们互相殴打/争吵。

→ex′changeable adj 可交(更)换的;ex͵changea′bility n 可交(更)换;

【辨异】exchangeinterchange均表示交换或互换。exchange 表示交易,用某种东西去换另一种东西,如:The two enemy countries exchanged prisoners of war. (两个敌对国交换了战俘。) interchange 表示同等数量或同等价值的交换,如:The two girls interchanged hats. (那两个女孩子互换了帽子。)





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