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单词 默默无闻

默默无闻没没无闻mò mò wú wén

be buried in oblivion; be completely unrecognized;unknown to the public; without attracting public attention
❍ 你把自己献给农村社会主义建设,~地工作着,这是真正的无名英雄。(王汶石《风雪之夜》48)You’re an anonymous hero true to type,devoting yourself to socialist construction on the agricultural front,working quietly and never showing off.
❍ 在旧社会,他们都被不合理的社会制度埋没了,一生为着妻子儿女的生活奔波,最后作为一个~的庄稼人死了。(柳青《创业史》505) In the old days they were submerged by an unreasonable social system,scrambling all their lives for the sake of their wives and children,only to die unknown and unsung in the end.


unknown to the public; obscure;without attracting public attention

默默无闻mò mò wú wén

默默:没有声音。形容不出色,没有人知道。unknow to the public, be in the shade, cut no figure, in silence, lie low, remain in obscurity, be buried in oblivion





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