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单词 bring
bring/brɪ ŋ/ vt brought, brought /brɔ:t/]

(1) 拿(带)来(carry sth or accompany sb when one comes)[T+n T+n+prep(with), T+n+adv D+n+n D+n+prep (for/to)]:He didn't~his umbrella(with him), so he was wet through.他没有(随身)带伞,所以浑身淋湿了。~a man to a party/into a room把一个人带来参加宴会/带进房间来;~a man before the judge使一个人受审;B~your friend over/around/back/in/down/up/home/here.把你的朋友带过来/过来/回来/进来/下来/上来/回家来/到这儿来。B~me some water/some water for me.给我拿点水来。~sb honour/glory/happiness给某人带来荣誉/荣誉/幸福;B~a clean plate to the lady.给这位女士拿一个干净盘子。〖同〗carry,fetch;〖反〗take;

(2) 产生,引起,导致(cause; produce; lead to; result in)[T+nT+n+prep(to)]:Spring~s flowers.春天使百花盛开。Heavy rains~floods.大雨造成洪灾。His death brought sadness.他的死令人悲伤。The drug brought relief from pain.那药解除了疼痛。The article brought many offers of help.那篇文章引来许多自愿的帮助。The accident brought injury/death to hundreds.事故造成数以百计的人受伤/死亡。The sad news/beauty of music/biting wind brought tears to her eyes.悲哀的消息/美妙的音乐/刺骨的冷风使她泪水盈眶。〖同〗cause,create,produce;〖反〗prevent;

(3) (使)得利(收入)(get (money) as profit or income)[T+n D+n+n]:Her writing/Renting out flats brought(her)£10,000 a year.写作/出租单元房(使她)每年收入一万英镑。The old car/furniture brought several hundred pounds in the sale.那旧车/家具卖了好几百英镑。What/How much would his pictures~? 他的画能卖多少钱?

(4) 使……处于某种状态(cause to be in a certain state or condition)[T+n+prep(to/into)]:~sth to an end/a close/a halt/a stop使……结束/结束/停下/停止;~a company to the brink of bankruptcy 使公司濒临破产;~sb to reason/power/safety使某人明白过来/上台/脱离危险;~sth into being/action/use/existence/harmony使……发生/实施/得到使用/存在/协调;~sb into contact/touch/collision/conflict with sb else使某人与他人接触/联系/冲突/论战;~a tree into blossom 使树开花;

(5)使……按某方式移动(cause (sb) to move in the way specified)[C+n+-ing]:His cries brought his parents running.他的喊声引得父母跑过来。The letter brought her crying home.那封信使得她哭着回家。A shower brought the people hurrying for shelter.一阵雨使人们匆忙奔去避雨。

(6)致(迫)使(force or make(oneself) (to) do sth)[C+n+to-inf]:He could not~himself to tell them the sad news/say what was in his heart/believe it.他不忍心告诉他们那个噩耗/不情愿说出自己的心里话/无法相信这事。How could you~yourself to do it? 你怎么能做这事呢?〖同〗compel,force,make,persuade;

(7) 提出(诉讼)(make(charges etc)in a court of law)[T+n T+n+prep(against)]:~a case/a charge/an accusation/a complaint/a legal action against sb对某人提出诉讼/提出指控/提出控告/提出投诉/采取法律行动;

bring about(v adv)引起,使产生(vt):~about a war/a quarrel/reforms/changes引起战争/争吵/改革/变化;~about the failure/the downfall/sb's ruin导致失败/倒台/某人破产;

bring back (v adv) 1) 恢复(vt):~back capital punishment/the death penalty恢复死刑/死刑; 2) 使记(忆)起(vt):(story/song)~back one's childhood/one's memories of sb(故事/歌曲)唤起对童年的回忆/对某人的记忆;That'll~it all back to him.那会使他想起那一切。

bring down (v adv) 1) 使……(降)落(vt):(pilot/gunfire)~a plane down (飞行员/炮火)降(击)落飞机; 2) 捕杀,弄倒(vt):(hunter)~a deer down(猎人)打倒一只鹿;(wind)~a tree down(风)刮倒一棵树; 3) 降低,减少(vt):~down prices/the cost of living/the rate of inflation降低价格/生活费用/通货膨胀率;

bring forward (v adv) 1) 提出(vt):~forward the matter/a plan/a proposal/a draft提出那事/计划/建议/草案;2) 提前(vt):~forward a meeting/an election/a date提前开会/选举/约会;

bring in (v adv) 1) 提出(立法)(vt):~in legislation/a parliamentary bill 提出立法/一项议会议案; 2) (对被告)宣判(vt):(jury)~in a verdict of (not) guilty (陪审团)宣判被告有(无)罪; 3) (使)得到(收入)(vt):(book/one's annual sales)~(sb)in thousands of pounds(书/每年的销售)给某人赚得数千英镑;He/The garage brought in a thousand pounds a week.他/汽车修理厂每周收入1000英镑。

bring off (v adv) 1)做成功 (vt):~off a difficult task/a business deal/an unexpected victory完成一项困难任务/做成一笔买卖/获得意外胜利; 2)救出(vt):~off the shipwrecked sailors/the crew/the passengers救出遇难的水手/船员/乘客;

bring on(v adv) 1) 造成,引起(vt):(overwork)~on illness/a bad cold/nervous tension (劳累过度)引起疾病/重感冒/神经紧张;(crisis)~on a war(危机)引起战争; 2)使更快成长(提高)(vt):~on sb's French/a promising youngster/the crops使某人的法语水平提高/一有前途的年轻人长进/庄稼生长;

bring out (v adv) 1) 使明显,使显露(vt):~out the meaning/the details/the defects使含义/细部/缺陷显露出来;~out sb's best qualities/the worst in sb/sb's foolishness使某人的优点/丑恶的东西/愚蠢显露出来; 2)生产 (vt):~out a new sports car/a new kind of soap生产一种新式跑车/新型肥皂; 3) 出版 (vt):~out a novel/a new edition of.../a history of...出版一部小说/……的新版本/一部……的历史;

bring to/round (v adv)使苏醒(vt):With the help of cold water she was soon brought to/round. 借助于冷水她很快就苏醒过来了。

bring up (v adv)抚养,教养(vt):~up children/a family抚养孩子/家人;The child was badly/well brought up.这个孩子得到过不好/很好的教养。I was brought up to be honest/to respect others.我从小受到教育要做一个诚实的人/尊敬别人。

【辨异】1) bringtakefetchcarry几个字不要搞混。carry(携带)不强调方向;bring(拿来)是朝说话者方向;take(拿走)正相反,是离说话者而去;fetch(去拿来)则先离开说话者而去,取到(get)某物再返回说话者。 注意下面说法:Bring it here. Take it there. Go and fetch it for me. 2) bring about causemake的区别见CAUSE。





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