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单词 resistance
resistance/rɪ′zɪstǝns/ n

(1)抵(反,对)抗,抵制((instance of) resist-ing)[Ua~][N(to)]:His suggestion met with some~. 他的建议遭到了某种程度的反对。R~sprang up all over Nazi-occupied Europe. 在纳粹占领的欧洲各国都爆发了反抗运动。There will be fierce~to these proposals/this new law. 这些建议/这部新法律将会遭到激烈的反对。make/put up/offer~to proposed changes 对所提的变更提出/提出/提出反对;break down/overcome the~of the enemy 粉碎/战胜敌人的反抗;offer little/no~to the enemy 对敌人几乎没有进行/毫不抵抗;put up a strong/passive~进行强烈/消极抵抗;have a~to innovation 抵制革新;〖同〗opposition;

(2)阻力(any force that tends to oppose motion)[Ua~][N(to)]:a low wind~to an aircraft 对飞机阻力很小的风;overcome/lessen/cut down/reduce wind (air)~克服/减少/减少/降低风(空气)的阻力;The pavement gives little~to the tires. 那路面对轮胎几乎不产生阻力。~to electricity 电阻;overcome~to new technology/a new law 克服对采用新技术/新法律的阻力;

(3)抵抗力;耐力(capacity to withstand sth)[Ua~][N(to)]:~to corrosion 抗腐蚀性;abrasive~耐磨力;bodily/the body's~to infection/most germs/disease 身体对感染/大多数细菌/疾病的抵抗力;This breed of cattle shows (a)~to disease. 这种牛显示了很强的抗病力。

(4)地下抵抗组织(underground organization leading the struggle for national liberty in a country under enemy occupation)[Gpthe R~]:the French R~法国地下抵抗运动;a~fighter抵抗组织战士;

the line of least resistance 最省力的途径:I took the line of least~and apologized. 我图省事,便道歉了。

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