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单词 responsibility
responsibility/rɪ ͵spɒnsǝ′bɪlǝti, AmE -͵spɑ:n-′-/ n [-yies/z/]

(1)负责,责任(being responsible or having important duties for which a person is responsible)[U][N(for)]:have/show a sense of~有/显示出责任感;assume/bear/take/accept all (major/the whole)~for everything (the mistake) 对每件事(错误)负/承担/承担/负所有(主要/全部)责任;a position (post) of great/real/public~一个负有重大/实际/社会责任的职位(工作);avoid/dodge/escape~回避/逃避/逃避责任;〖同〗liability;

(2)任务,职责(duty or obligation;sth that one has to look after)[C][N(to)]:take one's~ies seriously认真履行职责;divide~ies 分配任务;have family~ies 有家庭负担;executive/legal/social~ies 行政/法律/社会职责;duties and~ies of office公职的任务与职责;the~ies of citizenship 公民的责任;a joint/shared~共同责任(制);The manager has a~to the Board of Directors. 经理要对董事会负责。His~is to see that his passengers are safe.他的职责是确保乘客的安全。It is your~to clean the classroom. 你负责打扫教室。〖同〗duty,task;

on one's own responsibility 自作主张,自行负责的:The teacher gave her pupils a week's holiday on her own~. 那位老师自作主张给学生们放了一个星期的假。

← re′sponsible adj





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