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单词 residence
residence/′rezɪdǝns/ n [-s/ ɪz/]

(1)住宅,宅(官)邸(house or other building in which a person or sb important lives)[C](fml):the prime minister's official~总理(首相)官邸;the country/official~of the British monarches (the queen) 英国君主(女王)的乡间别墅/官邸;a family/seaside/suburban~一所家庭/海滨/郊区住宅;one's private~自己的私人住宅;This desirable town/country~for sale.(广告语)出售理想城镇/乡村住宅。His office is in town,but his~is in the suburb. 他在城里工作,但住在郊区。〖同〗 dwelling,house;

(2)居住(时间)(act of living (in a place);period of time one lives in a place)[U](fml):take up (one's)~in London/in college/with a person 在伦敦住下/住校/和某人住在一起;during one's~in Paris 住在巴黎期间;after ten years~住了10年之后;His~in town enables him to vote. 住在城里使他可以参加投票。hall of~(大学生的)宿舍;〖同〗dwelling;

in residence 住校,住在里面:None of the royal family are in~at the palace at the moment. 此刻皇室没有人住在这座宫殿里。There are about three hundred students in~. 住校学生约有300人。

← re′side v 居住;






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