be as good as one’s words; mean what one says; never go back on one’s word; to live up to (/keep /honour)one’s words
❍ 请你告诉他们,我们是~的。Please tell them that we mean what we say.
honor one’s word; mean what one says;one’s words count
我们~,不搞什么语言游戏。What we say counts,and we have no use for play of words(or for rhetoric)./我们有两点是靠得住的,一是讲原则,二是~。We can be counted on.Among other things,first,we uphold principles,and second,we honor our words./我国有两个传统:第一不信邪,第二~。We have two traditions: first,we are not afraid of any evil bluster;second,we mean what we say./我们在国际上说话是算数的。We always live up to our international commitments./~应该算话。One should always keep one’s word.
说话算数shuō huà suàn shù
指说到做到。keep one’s word, mean what one says, be as good as one’s word