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单词 responsible
responsible/rɪ′spɒnsǝbl, AmE -′spɑ:n-/ adj

(1)负有责任的(having a certain duty or obligation)[A(for)]:hold/make sb~for the doctor's fees/looking after the children 认为/让某人(应)负责医生的费用/照顾孩子们;be wholly (partly)~for the conduct of state affairs/cleaning one's own room 全面(部分)负责处理国家事务/打扫自己的房间;a highly~job/position/post/appointment/role 一个需负重大责任的工作/职位/职务/职务/角色;〖同〗liable,administrative;〖反〗irresponsible;

(2)对自己的行为等有……责任的(having to account for one's actions and decisions to sb)[作pred][A(to)]:be directly (indirectly)~to the people/the President/the Board of Directors/the manager 直接(间接)地对人民/总统/董事会/经理负责;A nurse is~to the parents for the children's safety. 对孩子们的安全,保育员对家长们负有责任。〖同〗answerable;

(3)对(发生的事情、行为)负责的(liable to blame for anything that happens or goes wrong)[作pred][A(for)]:be~for the mistake/the mess/breaking the coffee cup/what had happened 对这个错误/混乱的局面/打碎咖啡杯/所发生的事负责;be~for one's (own) action/one's (own) behaviour/the way one behaves 对自己的行动/行为/行为方式负责;How far was he~for this? 他对此负有多大的责任?hold/consider sb~for his actions 认为某人应对其行动负责;〖同〗answerable;

(4)可靠的,有责任感的,负责任的(trustworthy;answerable for one's behaviour):He is reliable and very~. 他既可靠又很有责任感。a~baby-sitter/citizen 一位有责任感的临时保姆/公民;

(5)是……原因;应归咎(功)于(being the agent or cause of sth)[作pred][A(for)]:The storm (fog) was~for most of the damage/the delay of the plane. 大部分损失/飞机的延误是那场暴风雨(大雾)造成的。Viruses are~for the influenza. 这次流感是由病毒引起的。

← re′sponse n;

→ re′sponsibly adv 负责地,有责任感地;re͵sponsi′bility n





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