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单词 resolution
resolution/ ͵rezǝ′lu:⨜n/ n

(1)坚定(决)(firmness or determination)[U](fml):She shook her head/behaved with~. 她坚定地摇摇头/表现坚决。A note of~entered the bishop's voice. 主教说话的语气坚定起来。a man of great/no~一个极其/不坚定的人;a man who lacks~一个不坚定的人;show great~to get through medical school 表现出坚持念完医学院的决心;〖同〗persistence,determination;

(2)决心(定)(make a decision to do sth or to stop doing sth)[C][N+to-inf]:make/form/take a~to give up smoking 下/下/下决心戒烟;keep firm/good/New Year's~s 保持坚定的决心/坚持正确的决定/坚持新年刚开始所作的决定;carry out one's~s 去做决心要做的事情;break/shake sb's~s 破坏某人的决定/动摇某人的决心;〖同〗intention,promise,plan;

(3)决议(案)(formal decisionusually by means of votetaken by a group of people at a meetingconference) [C] [N+to-infN+that]: support/pass/adopt/carry a~(against/for/in favour of sth)支持/通过/采纳/通过一项决议(反对/支持/赞成某事);reject/oppose a~condemning the measure 否决/反对一项谴责该措施的决议;move (offer/present/propose) a~(to build a new library) 提出一项(建造新图书馆的)议案;a~demanding immediate release of the US hostages 一项要求立即释放美国人质的议案;a~that conditions should be improved 一项改善条件的议案;The~was passed by two votes. 这项决议以两票的多数通过。〖同〗motion,proposal;

(4)解决 (final solving of a problem or difficulty)[U][N(of)]:the~of a doubt/a problem/a question/a difficulty 消除疑虑/解决问题/解决问题/解决困难;I longed for the~of the agonizing dilemma. 我渴望解决这种折磨人的进退两难的困境。〖同〗solution,settlement;

(5)分解,解析(act or process of separating sth into parts)[U][N(into)]:the~of white light into the colours of the spectrum/a chemical mixture into the simple substances 将白光分解成光谱的各种颜色/化学混合物质分解成简单物质;

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