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单词 basic
basic/′beɪsɪk/ adj & n

adj (1) 基本(础)的 (that which is most necessary for sth or forms the main part or foundation of sth) [A(to)]:the~rules of good driving/vocabulary of a language/framework of the Russian language/ingredient of a dish/necessities of life正确驾驶的基本规则/一种语言的基本语汇/俄语的基本框架/一菜肴的基本用料/生活基本必需品;the~industries/theory基础工业/基础理论; the~principles/recipe/theme基本原则/配方/主题;solve the~economic problems 解决最基本的经济问题;10 is the~number in the decimal system.10是十进制的基数。be~to a good relationship/an understanding of sth 对建立良好的关系/了解某事是必备的;The idea of forgiveness is~to Christian belief. 宽容是基督信仰的基本思想。〖同〗elementary, essential, primary;

(2) 起码的 (simplest or fundamental in level; elementary):~pay/requirements基本工资/最低需求;the~training of a soldier 战士的基本训练;My education/knowledge of French is very (pretty)~. 我所受的教育/我的法语知识仅是初级水平。The facilities are terribly~.这些设施是最起码的。

←′base n;basis n;

→′basically adv 基(根)本上;

n 基本(点),要素 (sth essential or fundamental) [pl]:Reading ability is one of the~s of education. 阅读能力是教育的基本目标之一。grasp the~s of a subject 把握一学科的基本内容;learn the~s of journalism/an art technique 学习最基本的新闻工作知识/艺术表现手法;〖同〗essential, core, base;〖反〗unessential





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