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单词 求全责备

求全责备qiú quán zé bèi

demand perfection;expect (people) to be saints; expect things to be perfect; nitpick; take to task severely
❍ 而现在通用的教本都由大书店供给; 大书店看得最清楚的是自家的营业,余下来的注意力方才轮到什么文化、教育,所以谁对他们的出品~谁就是傻。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》249) The text books currently in general use were all supplied by large firms of publishers,whose principal concern was their own profits and who had scant attention to spare for such secondary considerations as culture and education and that sort of thing,so anyone who hoped or demanded that their products should be perfect was a fool.
❍ 我独不解中国人何以于旧状况那么心平气和,于较新的机运这么疾首蹙额; 于已成之局那么委曲求全,于初兴之事就这么~? (《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—118) But what I cannot understand is why we Chinese are so contented with existing conditions,and so opposed to change;so tolerant of what has been done already,and so hypercritical of anything new.


find fault and demand perfection;nit-pick

求全责备qiú quán zé bèi

责:要求;备:齐全。对人对事要求十分齐全,不能有一点缺点。nitpick, be very fussy, carp and cavil, expect to be perfect, demand perfection





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