释义 |
求qiúⅠ ❶ (请求; 要求) ask; beg; request; entreat; beseech : ~ 人帮忙 ask sb. a favour; ask a favour of sb.; 有 ~ 于人 have to look to others for help; 他急切恳 ~ 我帮他一个忙。 He urgently begged a favour of me. 我 ~ 你一件事。 I must ask you a favour. ❷ (追求; 探求; 寻求) strive for; seek; try: 力 ~ 改进 strive for improvement; ~ 得一致 try to achieve a consensus; ~ 进步 strive for further progress; ~ 学问 seek knowledge; 实事 ~ 是 seek truth from facts Ⅱ ❶ (需求; 需要) demand: 供不应 ~。 Supply falls short of demand.; The supply does not meet the demand. 供过于 ~。 The supply exceeds the demand. ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 仲 Qiu Zhong ◆求爱 pay court to; woo; court; 求成 hope for success; 求大同,存小异 seek common ground on major issues while reserving differences on minor points; seek common ground on major issues while leaving aside the minor differences; 求告 solicit; petition; implore; entreat; supplicate; 求根 {数} root; extract; extract a root; 求公式 derivation of equation; 求过于供 Demand outstrips supply.; 求和 sue for peace; try to draw a match [game]; {数} summation; 求婚 make an offer of marriage; make a proposal [marrige]; propose; 求积法 method of quadrature; quadrature; 求积分 {数} quadrature; 求积公式 quadrature formula; 求积仪 {数} planimeter; 求极小值法 minimization process; 求见 ask to see; request an interview; beg for an audience; 求浆得酒 beg for sauce and get wine — an unexpected gain; ask for starch but get wine; get more than one has asked for; 求教 ask for advice; 求借 beg to borrow; 求救 cry for help; ask sb. to come to the rescue; seek help; 求面积 quadrature; squaring; 求名求利 set one's mind on obtaining fame and wealth; aim after fame and riches; 求偶(现象) courtship; 求平均值 averaging; 求乞 beg; 求乞度日 earn one's living by begging; 求签 pray and draw divination sticks at a temple; 求签问卜 ask the gods for an oracle; divine by drawing lot; 求亲 seek a marriage alliance; 求亲靠友 ask favours of relatives and friends; appeal to one's relatives and friends for help; live on relatives and friends; 求情 plead; appeal to another's mercy; intercede; ask for a favour; beg for leniency; 求情告饶 plead for leniency; beg for pardon [mercy]; 求全 ask for perfection; demand perfection; try to round sth. off; try to bring sth. to a satisfactory conclusion; 求全责备 demand perfection; expect things [people] to be perfect; fault-find and demand perfection; nitpick; take to task severely; nitpicking; seek to be perfect; 求饶 beg for mercy; beg for one's life; ask for pardon; 求人 ask for help; 求人不如求己 Self-help is better than help from others.; Applying to others for help is not as good as applying to oneself.; Better depend on oneself than ask for help from others.; Better to do a thing oneself than ask help from others.; God helps those that help themselves.; It is better to ask of one's own folk than of outsiders.; Near is my shirt, but nearer is my skin.; Relying upon oneself is better than relying upon others.; 求神拜佛 pray to Buddha for help; 求神问卜 pray to the gods and seek to ascertain by divination; beg the gods and ask of the diviner; pray and consult an oracle; seek divine advice; 求生 seek to live on; 求生不得 can hardly keep alive; 求生不得,求死不能 can neither live nor die — utter misery; Though one hopes for life one cannot live and though one prays to die one cannnot die.; 求胜 strive for victory; 求实 be realistic; be practical-minded; 求实精神 matter-of- fact attitude; realistic approach; 求实效 seek practical results; 求田问舍 interested exclusively in the acquisition of sb.'s estate; busy oneself with business deals and have no higher ambition in life; 求同存异 seek common ground while reserving differences; put aside minor differences so as to seek common ground; seek common ground among us, while keeping our differences; seek common ground on (major questions) while reserving differences on (minor points); seek common ground on major issues while leaving aside minor differences; 求同法 method of seeking common ground; 求微分 differentiation; derivation; differentiate; 求贤若渴 thirst after talents; crave for virtue as (for water) when thirsty; seek for the virtuous [worthies] like a thirsty person for water; seek talent with eagerness; greedily to welcome men of ability; urgent need of talents; 求降 beg to surrender; hang out the white flag; 求学 go to school; attend school; pursue one's studies; seek knowledge; 求异法 method of seeking difference; 求异决策 difference-seeking decision-making; 求异思维 thinking for dissimilation; 求援 ask for help; seek help; request reinforcements; 求占问卜 consult fortune-tellers; 求战 seek battle; ask to take part in battle; 求知 seek knowledge; 求知欲 thirst [craving] for knowledge; aspiration to knowledge; inquisitiveness; appetite for further knowledge; craving for knowledge; 求之不得 seek but fail to get; all that one could wish for; exceedingly [most] welcome; fail to find a thing after searching for it; just what one (has) wished for; so rare that it is not to be sought; 求职 job wanted; 求职申请书 application for employment; 求值 {数} evaluation; 求助 turn to sb. for help; seek help; 求助于人 call upon others for help; appeal to sb. for assistance; call to one's aid; crave for other's help; seek help from others; turn to sb. for help |