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单词 求同存异

求同存异qiú tóng cún yì

seek common ground while reserving differences
❍ 矛盾总是有的,目前只要大体过得去,可以~,那些不同的将来再讲。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—345)There will always be contradictions. As long as things are tolerable on the whole,we can seek common grounds and reserve differences,to be dealt with later.
❍ 为了在这个问题上达成一致协议,周总理本着~的方针,平等协商,耐心说理,做了大量的工作。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅱ—233) To achieve unanimity,Premier Zhou,acting on the principle of seeking common ground while reserving differences,engaged in patient consultations with other delegates on an equal footing and did a great amount of work in explaining his reasons.


seek common ground while reserving differences
本着~的精神 in a spirit of seeking common ground while reserving differences

求同存异qiú tónɡ cún yì

寻求共同之处,保留不同意见。seek common ground while reserving differences, put aside minor differences so as to seek common ground, seek common ground while putting aside (maintaining, preserving) differences





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