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单词 人琴俱亡

人琴俱亡人琴俱逝rén qín jù wáng

both the man and his lute are gone—it strikes a sad chord in sb’s heart to see the things of the deceased
❍ 敬素好琴便径入坐灵床上,取子敬琴弹,弦既不调,掷地云:“子敬,子敬,~!”(刘义庆《世说新语·伤逝》)Since Xianchi had always been fond of the seven-stringed zither(Qin),Huichi went directly in and sat on the spirit bed (Lingchuang). Taking Xianchi’s zither,he started to play,but the strings were not in tune.Throwing it to the ground he cried out,“Zi jing! Zijing! You and your zither are both gone forever!”

人琴俱亡rén qín jù wánɡ

表示看到遗物,就引起生者对死者的悼念之情。death of a friend, both the man and his lute are gone, it strikes a sad chord in sb.’s heart to see the things of the deceased





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更新时间:2025/1/19 18:29:57