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单词 battle
battle/′bætl/ n v [-d,-d /d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1) 斗争,战斗(役) (fight between oppos-ing groups esp between organized armed forces;struggle) [C]:a fierce/gun~激烈的斗争/枪战;a~between two lions/two boxers 俩狮子/拳击手间的争斗;The B~of Waterloo滑铁卢战役;the last~of a war战争的最后一仗;〖同〗campaign, fight;

(2) 战斗 (fighting; struggling) [U]:go out to/die in/be killed in~投入战斗/战死/战死;the noise of~战斗厮杀声;join~(with sb) (与……)交战;give~to the enemy 向敌人挑战;

(3) 斗争 (any hard struggle or sharp conflict) [C]:a political~政治斗争;a championship~冠军争夺战;a~of words/wits舌战/智斗;a~against poverty/inflation摆脱贫穷/克服通货膨涨的斗争;a~for promotion/first place/women's liberation争取提升/争夺第一/争取妇女解放的斗争; Martin Luther King led the~for equal rights for blacks.马丁·路德·金领导了争取黑人平等权利的斗争。fight a losing~进行没有希望成功的斗争;〖同〗struggle,contest,fight;

be half the battle 成功了一半:Recognizing that there is a problem is half the~.认识到问题的存在就等于问题解决了一半。

→′battle-cruiser n 战列巡洋舰;′battleship n 主力舰;′battle-cry n 喊杀声;′battlefield n 战场;′battleground n 战场;′battledress n 作战服;′battle-axe n 战斧;(infml)专横的女人;

v 战(搏,奋)斗 (fight or struggle) [I I+prep(with/against)(for), I+adv(on/away), T+n]:The two armies/fighters/boxers~d for two hours. 两支军队/两个战士/两个拳击手打了两个小时。They~d bravely and fiercely until dawn.他们勇猛战斗直到天明。~against ill-health/poverty/disease与不健康/贫穷/疾病作斗争;~with the wind/the waves/each other战风/斗浪/互相争斗;~with poverty/disease与贫穷/疾病作斗争;~with one's employers for a pay-rise为增加工资与老板斗争;~for first place/life 为争夺第一名/生存而斗争;~away/on for a long time战斗很长时间;~on against the enemy 继续与敌人战斗;~the storm for hours 与风暴搏斗数小时;~one's way against the wind/to the top of one's profession顶风奋进/奋斗达到事业的顶峰;〖同〗fight,struggle





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