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单词 bath
bath/bɑ:θ, AmE bæθ/ n baths /bɑ:ðz, AmE bæ ðz/]; v [-s /s/]

n (1) 洗澡,沐浴 (act of washing one's whole body esp when sitting or lying in water) [C]:have (BrE)/take (AmE) a (cold/hot)~洗(冷水/热水)澡;have cold~s three times a week 一周洗三次冷水澡;give the dog/the cat a~给狗/猫洗澡;a steam~蒸汽浴;a~of sunshine/sun~日光浴;a~towel 浴巾;

(2) 浴盆(缸) (large container for holding water in which one sits to wash the whole body) [C] (AmE 亦作bath-tub):Clean out the~when you've done. 你洗完澡把浴盆刷干净。a wooden~木澡盆;a solid gold~纯金的澡盆;fill the~with water 给浴盆放满水;

(3) 浴室 (room containing a bath and possibly a toilet or (AmE) room containing a toilet and possibly a bath) [C] (= bathroom):an apartment with two bedrooms, a kitchen and a~有两间卧室外加厨房和浴室的套房;〖同〗bathroom;

(4) 洗澡水 (water in a container ready for a bath) [C]:run a~for sb为某人放洗澡水;heat the~烧洗澡水;Your~is ready.你的洗澡水好了。His~is too hot. 他的洗澡水太热了。

(5) 洗液(器) ((container for) liquid in which sth is washed soaked or dipped in order to be processed in some way) [C]:a chemical~ 化学药液;an oil~ 洗油;a~of red dye 红色染液;Photographic paper is put into three different~s during developing.洗相时相纸要放进三种不同的溶液中。

(6)湿淋淋的状态 (quality or state of being covered with a liquid) [C]:in a~of sweat汗如雨下;

(7) (公共)澡堂;公共游泳池 (public building with one or more rooms used for bathing or swimming)  [pl,但sing意义]:Turkish~s土耳其蒸汽浴室;heated swimming-~s(BrE) 温水游泳池;take one's children to the~s once a week每周一次带孩子们去游泳池游泳;the ruins of Roman public~s古罗马公共浴池的废墟;

→ ′bathroom n 浴室, 厕所;′bathrobe n 浴衣;′bathtub n 浴盆(缸);′bathwater n 洗澡水;′eyebath n 洗眼杯;

v (AmE bathe) (1) 给……洗澡 (give a bath to sb/sth) [T+n]:Will you please~the baby/the dog? 请给孩子/狗洗个澡好吗?

(2) 洗澡 (have a bath)[I]:I~in cold water every night. 我每晚都洗冷水澡。

【注意】bath的ing和ed形式的读音为:bathing/′bɑ:θɪ ŋ, ′bæθɪ ŋ/, bathed/′bɑ:θt, ′bæθt/;动词bathe (浸洗;游泳)的ing和ed形式拼写与之相同,但读音却不同:bathing/′beɪ ð ɪ ŋ/,bathed/beɪ ðd/(见下一词条)。






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