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单词 bed
bed/bed/ nv [-dd-]

n (1) 床(位),铺 (a piece of furniture or a place to sleep on) [C U]:a single/double~一张单人/双人床;a bamboo~竹床;make a/one's/the~铺床;make up a~on the floor在地板上铺床;sit/toss on the~坐在床上/在床上辗转反侧;sit on a~坐在床上;sleep in a~睡在床上;The dog sleeps on a~of straw.狗睡在草铺上。go to~去睡觉;be in~在床上;get into/out of~上/下床;~sheets/lamps床单/床头灯;

(2) 睡眠 (being in bed; use of a bed; sleep or rest) [U]:It's time for~.该睡觉了。put a child to~安顿孩子睡觉;before~睡觉前;~and board食宿;£20 for a night for~and breakfast 住一夜外加一顿早餐共20英镑;

(3) 床垫 (mattress) [C]:fill a mattress tick with feathers to make a feather~把羽绒装进褥套中做一个羽绒床垫;a spring~弹簧床垫;

(4) 性关系,做爱 (sexual relation; love-making) [U] (infml):think of nothing but~光想做爱;go to~with sb 与……做爱;

(5) (花)坛,(苗)床 (small piece of ground for cultivating or growing flowers vegetables etc) [C]:a~of herbs/flowers药草圃/花坛;a flower-~花坛;a seed-~苗圃;

(6) 1) 基础(座) (prepared flat base on which sth rests) [C]:The monument rests on a~of stone/cement/concrete 那纪念碑建于石头/水泥/混凝土地基上。〖同〗base,foundation; 2) 路基 (layer of rock stone etc as a foundation on which a road or railway is built) [C]:build a road on a~of gravel 在细石子路基上筑路;

(7) (湖,海)底,(河)床 (bottom of the sea a river a lake etc)[C]:a dry river~in the summer 夏天干涸的河床;the~of a stream小溪的底床;a river~河床;the ocean/sea~洋底/海底;

(8) (泥,石)层,地层(layer of clay rock ore etc below the surface soil)[C]:a~of clay/sand/limestone/chalk粘土/沙/石灰岩/白垩层;a rock~岩层;〖同〗layer;

a bed of roses 无忧无虑的状态:Life isn't a~of roses.生活不是伊甸园。

take to one's bed 卧病:Half the boys have taken to their~s with colds.一半男孩得感冒病倒了。

→′bedbug n 臭虫;′bedclothes n 床上用品;′bedfellow n 同床人;′bedlinen n 床单,枕套;′bedpan n (病人床上用)便盆;′bedpost n 床柱;′bedridden adj 卧床不起的;′bedrock n 底(基)岩;′bedroll n 铺盖;′bedroom n 卧室;′bedside n 床侧;′bedsit-(ter),′bed-sitting-room n 起居和睡觉两用房间;′bedsore n 褥疮;′bedspread n 床罩;′bedstead n 床架;′bedtime n 就寝时间;′bed-wetting n 尿床;

v (1) 安置,嵌入 (place or fix sth firmly on a base or beneath the surface) [T+nT+n+prep(in)]:The machine is~ded in cement.机器安装在水泥地上。The bullet~ded itself in the wall.子弹嵌在墙里。

(2) 种 (plant (young plants)) [T+nT+n+prep]:~the plants/the seedlings (in very good soil) (在很好的土壤里)栽种植物/树苗;~the potatoes by noon在中午以前把土豆种完;~the roots in the compost 把根栽在肥堆里;

(3) 提供住宿 (provide with a bed or sleeping quarters) [T+nT+n+prep]: The wounded/guests were~ded in the farmhouse.伤员/客人们安置在那农舍里。be unable to~all the visitors不能给所有的来宾安排住宿;

(4) 与……滥交 (have casual sexual relation with) [T+n] (infml):~a girl 与一个姑娘做爱;succeed in~ding a woman after many efforts 费了一番努力后得以与一女人发生性关系;

bed down (v adv) 1) 过夜 (vi):~down on the chairs 在椅子上过夜;2) 安顿……过夜:The troops were~ded down in a barn. 部队安排在一个谷仓里过夜。

bed out (v adv) 移栽(vt):~out the seedlings/young cabbages/plants/flowers移栽苗/白菜苗/植物/花





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