(1) 显示,(带)有 (show, display; carry visibly, or have) [T+n]:The cheque~s no date/signature/seal.支票上没有日期/签字/印章。The girl~s little resemblance to her father.那女孩一点也不像她父亲。The title of the essay~s little relation to the contents.论文的题目与内容几乎不相关。The statue/monument/ring bore an inscription.雕像/纪念碑/戒指上篆刻着题字。She (Her face) still~s signs of tears/the marks of her fall from a tree/a scar. 她(她脸上)仍然留有泪痕/从树上掉下来时的伤痕/疤痕。〖同〗exhibit,display,show,have;
(2) 具有 (have; be known by) [T+n]:~a famous name负有盛名;A married woman usually~s her husband's surname.已婚妇女通常随夫姓。
(3) 负(运)载,携带 (carry from one place to another, esp while moving) [T+n, T+n+prep, T+n+adv](fml):~a heavy load/a stone载着重负/石头;~sb/sb's body to the tomb 把某人/某人的尸体运到坟墓;We were borne off to the party in our host's car.主人的车送我们去参加聚会。He was borne shoulder-high after his victory.他取得胜利后被人们高高地抬在肩上。The canoe was borne along by the current.那独木舟随波逐流。Delightful scents were borne on soft breezes.沁人心脾的香气随着和缓的微风飘来。The sound of his speech was borne on the wind.他演讲的声音随风飘远。〖同〗carry,transport;
(4) 负荷(重) (be able to support (a weight of load)) [T+n]:Will the table/the ice on the lake~(my weight)? 桌子/湖面上的冰能承受得住(我的重量)吗? These columns~the weight of the roof. 这些柱子支撑着屋顶。What weight will this beam~? 这房梁的承重能力有多大? 〖同〗support,carry;
(5) 承(负)担,担负(take (responsibility, etc) on oneself; shoulder)[T+n]:~the cost of the repair/the expenses负担修理费用/那些费用;~the burden of national leadership in wartime 战时担负领导全国的重担;~a heavy load of duty/one's responsibility/the blame 承担重责/责任/过失;〖同〗shoulder;
(6)忍受,容忍 (put up with; endure; tolerate; stand; suffer) [T+n, T+to-inf, T+-ing, C+n+to-inf] (neg、interr时用can/could):He~s pain/his hardships well (bravely).他很能(很勇敢地)忍受疼痛/苦难。I can't~the dull friend/wet weather/idleness/the trouble/the noise.我无法忍受那个蠢笨的朋友/雨天/懒惰/苦恼/嘈杂声。I couldn't~it if he left.他要是离开我可受不了。He can't~being laughed (or to be laughed) at/seeing (or to see) the children hungry. 他不能容忍受人嘲弄/无法忍受看孩子们挨饿。He couldn't~me to be (or my being) away/her to look (or her looking) at you.他离不开我/不能容忍她看你。〖同〗endure,tolerate,stand,suffer;
(7) 经得起,可 (be suitable for; permit of)[T+n, T+-ing] (用于neg, 与所示宾语连用):Her arguments won't~close inspection/examination/investigation.她的辩辞经不起仔细审查/推敲/调查。The painting won't~comparison (with the others).这幅画无法(与其他的画)媲美。Her joke/Such rude words/His language don't (doesn't)~repeating.她的笑话/这样的粗鲁话/他的话难以重复。My sufferings don't~thinking about.我的苦难不堪回首。〖同〗allow;
(8) (对某人)怀有(情感) (have (a feeling) in one's mind or heart (towards sb)) [T+n, T+n+prep (against/towards), D+n+n]:~no resentment towards them对他们不怀怨恨;~a grudge/a hatred against sb 对某人心怀怨恨/仇恨;~no man a grudge/him no ill will/her no ill feeling/them love 对任何人都无怨恨/对他无恶意/对她无不友好的感情/对他们有爱恋之情;
(9) 举止,行为 (move, behave or hold oneself in a certain (usu good) way) [T+n+prep, T+n+adv]:~oneself very well/like a soldier when he walks (stands)走路(站立)时姿势很好/像个军人;~oneself bravely/well/with dignity at the trial审讯时表现勇敢/很好/气宇轩昂;
(10) 生育(give birth to (a baby or young animal))[T+n, D+n+n, D+n+prep (to)]:She bore/has borne (him) two children.她(给他)生了两个孩子。He was born French/to be a musician.他生为法国人/生来注定要成为音乐家。
(11) 产,结果实(produce (a crop or fruit))[I, T+n]:The young apple tree is ~ing this year.这棵小苹果树今年结果了。Some trees~well/~fruit early in the spring.有些树产果多/早春就结果。(trees)~pink blossom/rich fruit/fine apples (树)开粉红色的花/结出累累硕果/结上等苹果;land which~s no crops不毛之地;His efforts bore no fruit/no result. (fig)他的努力徒劳无功/毫无结果。〖同〗produce,yield;
(12)转向 (go or turn in the stated direction) [I+prep(to)]:(road/person)~(to the) right/east (路/人)向右/东转;Cross the street,~right, and you'll soon see the cinema.过马路,往右拐,你很快就会见到电影院了。〖同〗turn,bend;
bear in mind 记住:~sb's advice/sb's suggestion/sb in mind记住某人的忠告/某人的建议/某人;B~in mind that the train leaves at midnight.记住,火车半夜开。
bear away/off (v adv) 夺取(得) (vt):~off (away) several captives/the first prize/the palm 抓走了几个俘虏/夺取头等奖/夺得了胜利;
bear down (v adv) 战胜,克服 (vt):~down the enemy/all opposition/all resistance 战胜敌人/所有的反对力量/所有的抵抗力量;
bear down on/upon (v adv prep)逼近 (vt):The police bore down on/upon the criminal.那个警察向那罪犯逼近。The packed ice bore down on/upon the ship.浮冰向那船逼近。
bear on/upon (v prep)关系(影响)到(vt):This discovery will~on/upon later developments.这一发现将影响到后来的发展。
bear out (v adv) 证实(明) (vt):~out a person/sb's story/what sb said 为一个人/某人说的事/某人说的话作证;The cloudy sky bore out the promise of snow that has been in the wind.乌云遮蔽的天空证实了风所预示的降雪天气。
bear up (against/under/etc) (v adv) 坚强起来 (vi):~up well against all one's misfortunes/against distress/at the funeral 在不幸中/悲伤中/葬礼上很坚强;
bear with (v prep) 容忍, 宽容 (vt):~with sb's bad temper/sb's faults/such rude fellows 容忍某人的坏脾气/宽容某人的错误/容忍这种粗鲁的人;
→′bearable adj 可容忍(忍受)的;′bearer n 送信人;搬运工;抬棺材(担架)的人;持有到期支票的人;′bearing n 举止;关系;方面;方向;轴承;
【说明】bear的过去分词一般为borne;但当用于“生育”一义(见(1))时,还有一种形式,即born。此时,两者的区分为:borne用于主动语态,如:She has borne three children.(更常说:She has had three children.她生了三个孩子。) born用于被动语态,如:He was born in 1970/of (to) French parents. (他出生于1970年/父母是法国人。)
【辨异】 1)bear与stand1和endure都可表示“忍受”,其宾语可为人或行为,也可为肉体上的痛苦;且皆常与can't连用。bear 为常用词,stand 为口语词,endure语气较强,且指持续一段长的时间。如:I can't bear (stand/endure) the man/his rudeness/the pain. 还有tolerate,与前三个动词的不同之处在于指忍受人或行为,不指痛苦,如:I can't tolerate the man/his rudeness. 2) bear与carry和cart都可表示“将(人或物)从一处带到另一处”。carry为常用词,指负重,如:carry a box/200 passengers (扛箱子/载200乘客);bear为正式语体用语,如:The hero was borne aloft on the shoulders of the crowd. (那英雄被人们高高地抬在肩上。) cart指用车载,如:cart away all the rubbish (把所有的垃圾用车运走)。