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单词 reserve
reserve/rɪ′zɜ:v, AmE -′zɜ:rv/ vt [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/];n

vt (1)储备,保存(keep back or set asideesp for future use or a particular purpose)[T+nT+n+prep(for)]:~some of the profit to buy new machinery 留些利润购买新机器;We will~this £500. We may want it later. 我们将这500英镑存起来,也许以后我们需要它。~some milk for tomorrow/enough money for one's fare home/one's energy for the new tasks 留些牛奶明天喝/留足够的钱做回家的路费/为完成新任务而养精蓄锐;~some seats for special guests 给贵宾留些座位;〖同〗set aside,save;〖反〗waste,spend;

(2)保留(有)(keep (a specified power) for oneself;retain)[T+nT+n+prep(for)]:~the right to question those men later/decide one's own policy/refuse admission/reply at a later day 保留以后向这些人提问/决定自己的政策/拒绝接纳/以后答复的权利;All rights~d. 版权所有。

(3)预订,订购(order or book in advance for a specified time or date)[T+nT+n+prep(for)]:~a table (in a restaurant)/a seat (on a plane)/a room(in a hotel)/a couchette/an aeroplane ticket (for sb)(为某人)预订(一家饭店的)一张桌子/(飞机上的)一个座位/(一家旅馆里的)一个房间/一张卧铺/一张飞机票;Is your holiday a~d booking,madam? 夫人,您来度假办理预订手续了吗?〖同〗book;

(4)留到以后(宣布,讨论)(delay delivery of)[T+nT+n+prep(for)]:~one's judgement on a certain matter 对某事暂不作出判断;The judge~d his decision/the question for a better occasion. 法官以后再作决定/把问题留到更有利的时机提出。〖同〗postpone,put off;

n (1)储藏(物),储备(量)(sth kept back or set asideesp for future use or for use when needed)[C,通常pl]:draw on one's~取自己的存款;keep a~of food/firewood for cold weather 为冬天的到来储备粮食/木柴;a~of money储备金;have great~s of stock/capital 储备有大量物资/资金;vast~s of talent/enthusiasm/energy 蕴藏着无穷的才干/热情/精力;large coal/oil~s 大量的煤/石油的储备;the gold/foreign exchange/bank's~黄金/外汇/银行储备(金);~funds 储备基金;a~(petrol) tank 储油罐;〖同〗resource,saving,fund;

(2)后备军(armed forces not being used at the moment but kept in case of need)[C,通常pl]:R~s will be sent to the front. 预备队将被派到前线去。commit one's~s to the battle 将预备队投入战斗;the strategic employment of naval~s 战略性地运用海军预备队;

(3)替补队员((in games) person who is not in the team but is ready to enter it if a member of the team can't play)[C]:He is first~for Chicago. 他是芝加哥队的第一替补队员。〖同〗substitute;

(4)保留(专用)地,(尤)自然保护区(piece of land kept aside or separate for a special purposeesp a habitat for nature conservation)[C]:Indian~s 印第安人居留地;the nature/game/wildlife/bird/forest~自然/禁猎/野生动物/鸟类/森林保护区;Animals are kept in~s so that they should not be shot. 动物被饲养在自然保护区内,以免遭猎杀。

(5)底价,最低价格(lowest sum of money that the owners will agree to accept for sth being sold)[C](=reserve price):place/put a~(of £10,000) on the house/the painting 定/标那所房子/那幅画的最低价(为一万英镑);The portrait was sold for almost three times the~price. 那幅画售出的价格几乎是底价的三倍。The painting failed to reach its~. 这幅油画的出价未达到拍卖底价。〖同〗minimum;

(6)沉默,含蓄,冷淡,矜持(coolness or formality of manner;restraint;silence)[U]:break through sb's~打破某人的缄默;lose/drop one's customary~丢掉平素的矜持/不再沉默寡言;maintain/exhibit~(on the matter)(对这件事)保持/显示沉默;A man of~seldom shows emotion. 矜持的人很少流露内心的感情。〖同〗restraint;〖反〗warmth,frankness;

in reserve 保存起来,作为储备:He spent some of his money and kept the rest in~. 他花了一部分钱,其余的存了起来。

with reserve 有保留地,含蓄地:He received the new theory with~. 他有保留地接受这一新的理论。

without reserve 无保留地:You may speak before her without~. 在她面前你可以毫无保留地讲话。We accept your proposal without~. 我们完全接受你的建议。

→ re′servist n 后备役军人;re′served adj 沉默寡言的,矜持的;预订的,保留的;͵reser′vation n 预订(票,座等);保留(起);保留区;

【辨异】reservekeepretain的区别见 KEEP。





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