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单词 resolve
resolve/rɪ′zɒlv, AmE -′zɑ:lv/ v [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/];n

v (1)决定(心)(make a firm decision)[I+prep(on/upon/against),T+that(should),T+to-infT+wh-inf](fml):~against going out/an early start 决定不出去/不早出发;~on/upon amendment/having one's revenge 决心痛改前非/复仇;He has~d that kitchener should be appointed/he would work harder. 他已决定要任命厨房总管/更努力地工作。~to tell the truth/visit Europe at least once a year 决定讲实话/每年至少去一次欧洲;They haven't~d what to do tomorrow. 他们还没决定明天干什么。〖同〗decide,determine;

(2)表决(express an opinion formally by a vote)[I+prep(on/against),T+that(should),T+to-inf](fml): ~on/against building a new bridge here 通过了/没有通过在这里建桥的决议;It was~d that the conference should be adjourned. 兹决定会议暂停。~to strike by 40 to 10 以40票对10票表决决定罢工;

(3)解决,消除(take away (a doubtfearetc) or produce an answer to (a problemdifficultyetc))[T+n](fml):~difficulties/problems/arguments/a crisis/the matter 解决困难/问题/争端/危机/那个问题;~doubts/fears 消除疑虑/恐惧;The difficult situation~d itself much more easily than I had expected. 困难局面自行消解,比我原来预料的要容易得多。〖同〗answer,solve,settle;

(4)分解(析)(break up(a problemchemicaletc) into parts)[T+nT+n+prep(into)](flm):~the mixture/this force (into its different parts/its components) 把这种混合物/力量分解(为不同部分/它的组成部分);~water (into hydrogen and oxygen) 把水分解(为氢和氧);The meeting~d itself into a number of working committees. 这个会议被分解成了若干个工作委员会。~a task into three requirements/an argument into its basic elements 将一任务分解为三项要求/一论证分解为几个要点;

→ re′solvable adj 可解决的;re′solved adj 坚定(决)的;下定决心的;′resolute adj 坚决(定)的;͵reso′lution n;

n (1)决定(心)(decision or resolution)[C][N+to-inf](fml):keep/make/take a~to pass the test/do better 保持/下/下决心通过该测试/做得更好;Nothing can break/shake his~. 任何事情也不能改变/动摇他的决心。〖同〗resolution;

(2)坚决(定)(firmness of purpose;determination)[U](fml):work together with~坚定地在一起工作;show great~表现得很坚决;deeds (people) of high/great~非常/很坚决的行为(人);We must be firm in our~to oppose them. 我们必须坚定地反对他们。be strong/weak in one's~很/不坚决;strengthen sb's~使某人更坚定;〖同〗resolution;

【辫异】resolvedeterminedecidemake up one's mind的区别见 DECIDE。





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