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单词 resort
resort/rɪ′zɔ:t, AmE -′zɔ:rt/ vi [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]; n

vi (1)求助,诉诸,利用(go or turn for help or as a means of achieving sth)[I+prep(to)]:~to violence/force/drastic action/terrorism/threats 诉诸暴力/武力/极端的行动/恐怖手段/威胁;~to deception/trickery/stealing 靠欺骗/欺诈/偷窃的手段;~to candle to light the rooms/punishment to make the boy obey 用蜡烛照亮屋子/靠惩罚使那个男孩听话;〖同〗turn to;

(2)常去(goesp often or habitually)[I+prep(to)]:~to the beaches in hot weather/the hotel for some coffee 热天常去海滩/那家宾馆喝咖啡;

n (1)(在困难中)可求助的人或物(person or thing to which one turns for help)[C]:Friends are the best~in the trouble. 困难时,朋友是最好的依靠。 Books are the best~when one is lonely. 当一个人感到孤独时,书籍最能排解孤寂。Her only~when she is alone is watching TV. 当她独自一人时,只能靠看电视解闷。

(2)求助,凭借(act of turning for help in certain situation)[U][N(to)]:pass the examination without~to cheating 不靠作弊通过考试;raise money without~to borrowing 不靠借款筹集资金;The~to force is forbidden in this school. 本校禁止使用武力。〖同〗chance;

(3)休假胜地(place visited by many people (esp for holidays))[C]:a mountain/seaside/skiing/health~一个山区/海滨/滑雪/疗养胜地;a place of popular/public/tourist~人们常去的/公众/旅游场所(胜地);a coast~海滩胜地;〖同〗tourist spot;

(4)常去的地方 (place where one goes regularly)[C]:sb's favourite~某人爱去的地方





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