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单词 rest
rest1/rest/ v [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]; n

v (1)休息(stop walkinglie downsleep or relax in order to get new strength or energy)[II+prep(from)]:~all week/a while/for an hour 休息整一星期/一会儿/一个小时;~in the summer 在夏天休息;~in the shade/on the porch/on a couch 在树阴下/走廊上/长沙发上休息;~from one's work/one's exertions/one's efforts/the journey 工作/劳作/发奋/旅行后休息一下;Mother is~ing at the moment. 此刻母亲正在休息。“Don't talk. I want you to~.” “别说话,我要你休息。”~up 好好休息一下;〖同〗relax,lie down;

(2)使……休息(cause or allow to stop walkinglie down or sleep)[T+nT+n+prep]:~one's body/one's muscles/one's brains/one's eyes/one's legs/one's weary feet 使自己的身体/肌肉/大脑/眼睛/腿/疲倦的双脚得到休息;The riders stopped to~their horses. 骑手们停下来让马休息一下。Are you quite~ed? 你歇够了吗? 〖同〗relax,pause;

(3)安心(宁)(be at ease;be calm)[II+prep]:never~until the murderer has been caught/one knows the truth/sb is home 凶手被抓/了解真相/某人到家后才安心;Good deeds~ed easily on one's conscience. 做好事使人心里非常安宁。It~ed heavily on my spirit. 那件事使我心绪不宁。You may~assured (that I won't be late). 你尽可以放心(我不会迟到)。〖同〗 be at ease,relax;

(4)放(靠)在某物上(placelay or lean on sth for support;lie on a support)[I+prep(on/against),T+n+prep(on/against)]:The fishing boats~ed on the bay. 那些渔船停在海湾。The ball~ed on the edge of the hole. 球停在洞边。Her hands~ed on the table. 她的双手放在桌子上。 A smile~ed on the girl's lips. 姑娘的嘴角留着一丝微笑。The ladder~s against the wall. 梯子靠墙放着。~the case on the ground/one's elbows on the table 把箱子放在地上/胳膊放在桌子上;~one's head on one's hands 用双手托着头;~the bike against the wall 把自行车靠墙放着;~one's shoulders against sb's knee 把肩靠在某人的膝盖上;〖同〗place,set,stand,lie;

(5)(目光)落在(stare fixedly at an object or a person)[I+prep(on)]:His gaze (eyes)~ed on her hands/the ceiling. 他凝视着(看着)她的双手/天花板。〖同〗settle;

(6)依靠(赖),寄托在(dependrelybase)[I+prep(on),T+n+prep(on)]:Our hopes~on him/the new light aircraft. 我们的希望都寄托在他身上/这种新的轻型飞机上。His fame~s on this book. 他是靠这本书出名的。The plan~s on your cooperation. 这个计划要靠你们的合作。The outcome~s on your decision. 结果如何就看你的决定了。The whole argument~s on his assumption. 整个理论是以他的假设为依据的。The charge~s on the evidence of one witness. 那个指控是以一个证人的证词为依据的。~one's hopes on the child 把自己的希望寄托在孩子身上;~one's trust on sb 信任某人;~one's theory on years of research 依据数年研究得出的理论;〖同〗hang,depend,lie;

(7)停止……(stop being active)[I](fml):Let the topic/the matter/the argument~. 让这个话题/这件事/这场争论就此为止吧。The affair can't~here. 这件事不能到此为止。〖同〗drop;

(8)安息,长眠(be buried)[I](fig):~in the churchyard/with one's ancestors 长眠在教堂的墓地中/与自己的祖先埋葬在一起;May you~in peace,our good teacher! 我们的好老师,安息吧!Let her bones~in peace! 让她安息吧!

(9)(使农田)休耕((cause land to) lie unplanted)[IT+n]:The field has already~ed for two years. 这块地已经两年没种庄稼了。~the field for three months让这块田地休耕三个月;

(10)(自动)停止陈述(举证)(finish the introduction of evidence in (a case))[IT+n]:His case~ed. 他陈述完他的案情。The defence~ed his case. 被告陈述完他的案情。

rest on one's laurels 满足于取得的成就(尤derog):There is no sense in~ing on your laurels. You still have many difficult problems to face. 你没有理由满足于已取得的成就,你还要面对许多难题。

rest with (v prep) 是……的责任,取决于(vt,无pass)(fml):The main responsibility~s with the committee. 主要责任由委员会来承担。It~s with me to tell you the news. 由我来告诉你这个消息。

→′resting-place n 安息处,坟墓;

n (1)休息,睡觉(sleeprelaxation from labour or working)[CU][N(from)]:have/take a(short)~休息(一会儿);have several~s 休息几次;get/have a good/decent night's~好好地/相当好地睡一夜;need a~from these problems 需要抛开这些问题休息一下;get some~from the hard work/one's labours 劳累/劳动后休息休息;get plenty of/some~好好地休息一下/休息一会儿;one's final~死去;a day of~休息日;a~break/hour/day 休息时间/时间/日;〖同〗break,pause;〖反〗unrest,work;

(2)支撑物,支架(sth that serves as a support)[C](常用以构成复合词):an arm-~ 扶手;a foot-/head-/book-~ 搁脚物/(座椅上的)头靠/读书架(供放置摊开的书);a small wooden~小木架;a~for a telescope/telephone receiver 放望远镜/电话机的架子;Use this pillow as a~for your back. 用这个枕头当垫背。〖同〗support,stand;

at rest 1)不运转,停止:The machine is at~. 这台机器不运转了。2)平静:The waves of the sea are never at~. 海浪从来没有平静过。3)死去:be/lie at~安息;

come to rest 停下来:The ball came to~at the bank of the river. 球滚到河岸边停下来。

lay sb to rest 安葬:She was laid to~in the same place as her husband. 她与她的丈夫安葬在同一个地方。

→′restful adj 安静的,使人得到休息的;′restfulness n 安静;轻松;′restless adj 静(停)不下来的;心绪不宁的;得不到休息的;′restlessly adv 不停地;心绪不宁地;′restlessness n 不安宁;心绪不宁;′rest-cure n 修养疗法;′rest-home n 养老院;疗养院;′rest-room n 盥洗室,洗手间,公共厕所





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