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单词 rescue
rescue/′reskju: / vt [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]; n

vt 搭(营)救,解救(take action to help sb or sth get away from a dangerous or harmful situation)[T+nT+n+prep(from)]:~a drowning man/the hostages 搭救一个要淹死的人/人质;~sb from drowning/attack 搭救一个要淹死/受攻击的人;~a boy from the burning house/the sailors from the sinking ship 从燃烧的房子里把男孩/下沉的船里把那些海员救出来;~the firm from bankruptcy by giving them a grant 通过拨款来挽救那家濒临破产的公司;~sb from an embarrassing situation 使某人从尴尬的境地中解脱出来;~sb's name from oblivion 使某人不被忘记;〖同〗save,deliver;

→ ′rescuer n 救援者;

n (1)搭(营、解)救(act of rescuing or state of being rescued)[UC]:~work 救援工作;a~ship/team/party/operation 救援船/队/队/行动;after his~在他被救以后;the~of the hostage 营救人质;an attempt at a~一次营救尝试;The life boat was involved in four~s last week. 这条救生艇上周参加了四次救援行动。〖同〗deliverance;

come/go to sb's/the rescue 来/去营救某人:A passerby came to our~. 一位过路人赶来救援我们。





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