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单词 辅车相依

辅车相依fǔ chē xiāng yī

the carriage and its wheel-aids depend on one another; as dependent on each other as the jowls and the jowlbone
❍ 谚所谓~,唇亡齿寒者,其虞虢之谓也。(《左传·僖五羊》) The common sayings,“The carriage and its wheel-aids depend on one another,” “When the lips perish,the teeth become cold”,illustrate the relation between Guo and Yu.
❍ 夫虞之有虢也,如车之有辅,辅依车,车亦依辅,虞、虢之势正是也。(《韩非子》) Guo is to Yu as the jowls to the jowlbone.The jowls depend on the jowlbone and the jowlbone depends on the jowls,and Yu and Guo stand in the same relationship.

辅车相依fǔ chē xiānɡ yī

辅:这里指颊骨;车:这里指牙床。比喻互相依存。rely on one another as check and jowl, as close as the jowls and jaws





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