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单词 round
释义 round2 /raund; raund/ adv part (may be replaced, by around, except in special idiomatic uses; for special uses with vv, the v entries; specimens only are given here) (除特殊习惯用法外,可由 around 代替; 与动词连用之特殊用法,请参看各动词; 此处仅提供少数例子) 1 in a circle or curve to face the opposite way: 成圆形或曲线地; 周转地: Turn your chair ~ and face me. 把你的污子转过来对着我。 2 with a return to the starting-point: 周而复始地; 循环地: The hour hand of a clock goes right ~ in twelve hours. 钟的时针 + 二小时转一圈。 Christmas will soon be ~ again. 主诞骷或 / 到了。 7 shall be glad when spring comes ~ again. 春天再来我将很高兴。 ~ and —, with repeated revolutions. 旋林不息地。 all~; right —, completely ~:从头到尾循环一周地; 处处; 各处:附。 walked right ~ the lake. 我们环湖走了一周。 all (the) year ~, at all seasons of the year. 整年。 3 in circumference: 周围: Her waist is only twenty-four inches ~. 她的食围只有二十四吋。 4 (so as to be) in a circle: (形成) 圆形地: A crowd soon gathered 不久就聚集亍一群人。 The garden has a high wall all ~. 花园有一高墙围起。 5 from one (place, point, person, etc) to another: 从一 (地,点,人等) 到另一; 逐一地: Please hand these papers ~, ie distribute them. 请把这些文件分发给大家。 The news was soon passed ~. 消息不久即传开了。 Tea was served/handed 每个人都奉了茶。 go ~. supply everybody: 供给每个人: Have we enough food to go ~? 我们有足够的食物供给大家吗? Will the meat go ~, ie be enough for everybody? 肉够大家吃吗? look ~, visit and look at: 参观游览: Let's go into the town and look ~ /hav? a look ie see the places of interest, etc. UK 们进城去游览一番。 taking it all considering the matter from all points of. view. 从各方面考虑之。 6 by a longer way or route; not by the direct route: 绕道地; 迂回地; 非由近路地: If you can't jump over the stream, you'll have to go ~ by the bridge. 你如果不能跳过这条小河,就必须绕道由桥过河。 The taxi-driver brought us a long way ~. 计程车司机带我们绕远路走。 7 to a place where sb is or will be: 到某人所在或将在的地方: Come ~ and see me this evening. 今天晚上来看我。 The Whites have asked me to go ~ this evening, ie to visit them. 怀特夫妇约我今天晚上去看他们。 8 ~ (about), in the neighbourhood: 在附近地; 近处地: all the coun try ~; 在附近一带的乡间; everybody for a mile ~; 一哩之内的每个人; in all the villages ~ about. 在附近所有的村庄内。 from all sides: (艺术)立体的(能从各面观看的): a statue in the ~. 一个立体雕像。 theatre in the with the audience on (nearly) all sides of the stage. 观众围绕在舞台四周观赏的剧院; 立体剧场。 3 regular series or succession or distribution: 规则性的系列或连续或分配: the daily ~, the ordinary occupations of the day; 日常的两行工作; the earth's yearly ~, the cycle of the four seasons; 地球 . 每年卤季的循环; the doctor's . ~ of visits (to the homes of his patients); 医生的巡回探视病人(到病人家里): a ~ of pleasures/gaiety, a succession of parties, gay events, etc; 一连串的宴会,游乐节目等; the postman's ~, the route he takes to deliver




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