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单词 score
score/skɔ:(r)/ n [-s/z/, (6) score];v[-d,-d/d/;-eing/rɪ ŋ/]

n (1)(比赛)得分(number of pointsgoalsetc gained in a gamecompetition)[C]:the final/total/half-time~最后/总/上半场的比分;a cricket/team~板球/团体(得)分;a high/low~高/低分;an even~ 比分相同;a close~ 比分接近;keep/mark (the)~记/记分;What is the/his~? 比分/他的得分是多少? make a good~of 108 points 得了108分的好成绩;Who made the last~? 谁得的最后一分? The~seesawed. 比分交替上升。The~was (stood) 20 to 5 in our favour/for the home team/against us. 我们赢了/主队赢了/我们输了,比分是20比5。〖同〗point,goal;
 (2)(考试,测验)成绩(result of a test or examination)[C]:a~of 90 on the (math) test/in the IQ test(数学)测验/智商测验得90分;make low/perfect~s in a hard test 在一次很难的考试中成绩很低/很好;〖同〗grade,mark;
 (3)(刻划的)痕(印)迹(scratch or cut in the surface of sth)[C]:the deep (bad)~s on (all over) the table/the floor/the rock 在(满)桌子上/地上/岩石上深深的刻痕;the~s in the tree trunk 树干上的刻痕;~s made by the whip on the slave's back 那个奴隶背上的累累鞭痕;〖同〗 scratch,mark;
 (4)现实情况,真象(actual situation)[Cthe~](infml):(not) know the~(in politics)(不)了解(政治的)情况;What is the~(anyhow)?(到底)怎么回事? 〖同〗fact,reality,truth;
 (5)理由,根据(reasonaccountgrounds)[C,通常sing]:on mores than one 种种理由;On this/that~they decided not to go. 由于这/那个理由,他们决定不走了。He had no right to brag on that~. 在那方面他没有理由吹牛。Tom doesn't need to worry on that~. 在那方面汤姆没有必要担心。complain on the~of low pay 因低工资而抱怨;retire on the~of age 因年龄而退休;The book is rejected on the~of length. 此书因篇幅问题而被拒绝。〖同〗reason,account,ground;
 (6)20(set or group of twenty)[C]:two~and six years ago 46年前;a/four~of people 20/80人;A~or more were present at the meeting. 20多人出席了会议。
 (7)许多(lots)[C,常pl][N (of)]:~s of things/people/times 许多事情(东西)/人/次;We sell these pencils in~s. 我们大量地销售这种铅笔。〖同〗swarms,lots;
 (8)(总)乐谱,(电影,戏剧等)配乐(曲)(written form of a musical composition;music composed for an opera or a filmetc)[C]:a copy of the~of this opera/sb's sonatas 一本这出歌剧的/某人奏鸣曲的乐谱;a full/vocal~总/歌曲乐谱;a piano~钢琴乐谱;compose/write a~for many hit musicals (films) 为许多轰动一时的音乐片(电影)谱/作曲;
 (9)欠账,账目(account of amount due)[Csing] (dated infml): pay (off) the~(at the inn)付(清)(酒馆的)账;
 make a score off sb 在辩论中占上风:He is clever at making~s off opponents. 他很善于在辩论中击败对手。
 →′score-board n 记分牌;′score-card n 记分卡;′score-keeper n 记分员;
 v(1)记(分),得(分)(gain pointsgoals or mark in a game or test;keep scores)[IT+n]:~well (high) on the test/at bridge 考试/桥牌比赛的成绩很好(优异);Has anyone~d yet? 有人得分吗? She has asked to~at the school basketball match. 她在学校的篮球比赛中要求担任记分。~two points 记下两分;~two goals for our team/98 on the test 为我们队踢进两球(赢了两分)/考试得了98分;〖同〗 register;
 (2)评分,判(卷)(give sb a certain score for doing sth;assign a grade to a test or examination)[T+nD+n+n]:~the exam paper/the test/the composition (in red ink)(用红笔)判试卷/试卷/作文;~sb 15 marks (15 to/for sb)给某人评15分;~an examinee 给应试者打分;What did the judge~for her performance? 那位裁判给她的表演打了多少分? 〖同〗grade,mark;
 (3)取得(成功),赢得(胜利)(achieve success or an advantage)[II+prep(against), T+nT+n+prep(against)]:The play/Your idea~d with the public (the boss). 这出戏/你的意见很受公众的欢迎(老板赏识)。The singer has~d with the last song. 那位歌手最后唱的那首歌曲获得了成功。~against/over sb 战胜/战胜了某人;~a great success (victory) in the play/the by-election 在这出戏中/在这次补缺选举中取得了巨大的成功(胜利);Our team~d a real victory. 我们队取得了真正的胜利。The programme~d hit. 这节目引起了轰动。〖同〗achieve,strike,win;
 (4)留(痕迹,记号)(cut or scratch the surface on sth)[T+n]:~the polish/floor by moving the furniture across 移动家具把光面/地板划上了痕迹;~a tree trunk/table (with a knife)(用刀子)在树干/桌子上刻划;the path~d by a bullet across the wall 子弹在墙上留下的痕迹;〖同〗cut,mark,scratch;
 (5)责备,批评(criticizeblame)[T+n](AmE):be~d by critics (newspapers) for one's foolishness/decision/unpopular opinions 因其愚蠢/所作的决定/不受欢迎的观点而受到评论家们(报界)的批评;〖同〗scold,criticize,blame;
 (6)发生性关系((of man) succeed in having sex with a new partner)[II+prep (with)](sl):Is he going to~(with his new partner)tonight? 他今晚是不是要找人(与他的新伴侣)一起睡觉?
 (7)搞到毒品(purchase an illegal drug)[I]:He consumed all his fortunes to~. 他花光了所有的钱财去买毒品。
 (8)(为……)配乐(谱曲)(write a score for a filmplay etc;arrange for musical instruments)[尤passT+nT+n+prep (for)]:~a musical composition/this piece 谱曲/写这首曲子;~for violin/piano 谱小提琴/钢琴曲;This piece is~d for a violin and two pianos. 这乐谱是给一把小提琴和两架钢琴演奏谱写的曲子。〖同〗 arrange;
 score off (v prep)羞辱 (vt):He is always~ing off his wife in public. 他总是当众羞辱他的妻子。
 score out/through (v adv)划掉(vt):He~d out my name on the list. 他把我的名字从名单上划掉了。
 →′scorer n 记分员;得分多的运动员;
 【说明】当score 的意思是“20”时,复数形式仍为 score。





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