单词 | seal |
释义 | seal/si:l/ n & vt n (1)图(印)章,玺(piece of metal,ring,etc often round,with figure,symbol,word,letter,etc used as evidence of a government,university,company,or (esp,in earlier times) a powerful person)[C]:the great~of the United States美国国玺;the~of the King国王御玺;wear a ring with a~bearing one's mark 戴一枚刻有自己标志的戒指;stamp one's~to a document 在文件上盖印章;press one's~into the hot wax 在热蜡上盖印章;The solicitor stamped the certificate with his~.律师在证书上盖上了印章。 (2)(加盖的)图(印)章(official mark on a document,sometimes made with wax,which shows that it is legal or has been officially approved)[C]:the letters and documents that bear the~of the King 有国王封印的信件和文件;The~of the United States attached to important government papers.美国重要的政府文件都加盖国印。〖同〗mark,symbol; (3)封条(蜡,铅),火漆(piece of paper,wax,lead,etc,stamped with some official design fixed to a door,container,or letter,etc)[C]:the~s of a packet/a letter/a drawer包裹上/信件上/抽屉上的封条; tear open (break) the~打开(撕下)封条;the door of the room that is fastened by a metal~ 用金属封条封好的房间门; (4)密封物(垫)(sth that seals,closes,or fastens tightly so that gas or fluid cannot enter or escape)[C]:an oil~防油封圈;a rubber/gas/water~(橡)胶封圈/防气封圈/防水封圈;a~around a window 窗户四周的密封条;break the~on the jar打开坛子的封口;clean the~of the fridge door regularly定期清洁冰箱门密封条;put a~around the edge of the bath在浴盆周围放上防漏封圈; (5)密封(tight closure,as against the passing of air or water)[C]:The door doesn't close tight until it has a good~on it.这门密封好,才能关得严。 (6)印花帖签(stamp placed on envelope)[C]; a seal of approval批准,正式认可:giving the drug/the proposal/the deal a~of approval 批准该药上市/采纳建议/协议生效; set the seal on确保完成某事(fml):The trip set the~on our friendship. 这次旅行奠定了我们的友谊;The meeting set the~on the negotiations. 这次会议为谈判成功打下基础。 put the seal to 同意,批准:Both the families have put the~to the marriage.双方家庭都答应了这门亲事。 vt(1)盖章(印)(mark with a seal)[T+n]:The treaty/statement was signed and~ed.条约/声明已签署盖印。~the document with the King's insignia 在文件上盖上国王的印玺;〖同〗 certify,confirm,verify,approve; (2)封住某物(close by any form of fastening(that mustn't be broken before access can be gained))[T+n,T+n+adv (up)]:~the parcel/the bottle (up)封上包裹/封上瓶口;~(up) the letter with sticky tape 用胶带把信封好;Messages from the king used to be~ed with wax. 国王的信件常用蜡封。~ed orders 密封的命令;〖同〗fasten; (3)粘住(信封等) (fix (as if) with glue or other similar substance)[T+n,T+n+adv(down)]:~an envelope down and put a stamp on it把信封粘上,贴上邮票;I put a plastic cover on my book,but I didn't~it down properly and it came off.我给书套上塑封,可没封住,掉下来了。 (4)将某物密封住(close tightly or put a substance on sth so that gas or fluid cannot enter or escape)[T+n,T+n+adv (up)]:~up a pipe封住管子;~(up) a jar of fruit/a can of food 把装水果的广口瓶/食品罐头密封住;~(up) doors before fumigating 在熏烟消毒前把门都封好;(birds)~(up) the holes (cracks) in the nest with mud(鸟)用泥巴封住巢穴上的孔洞(裂缝);Her lips were~ed by a promise.(fig)她有诺言在先,因而守口如瓶。They tried to~his lips.(fig)他们企图不让他走漏一点风声。 (5)填充(满),涂盖密封物(fill up or coat with certain substance)[T+n]:~a leaky wall 填补有裂缝的墙体;~the floor with paint/the hull with paint给地板涂上一层漆/给船身涂上一层漆; (6)解决(某事),决定(settle or make certain,decide)[T+n](fml):~a bargain达成交易;They~ed the agreement by shaking hands (with a handshake).他们握手表示达成协议。This mistake~ed his fate.这一错误决定了他的命运。 seal in(v adv)封住(闭)(vt):The freshness/flavour will remain~ed in until the tin is opened. 食品的鲜美/食品的味道开听前一直会保持不变。 seal off (v adv)封锁(vt):~off an area/a street封锁一地区/一街道;~off all the exits/all the entrances 封锁所有出口/所有入口;The gas pipe has been~ed off to prevent escapes.煤气管道被封住,以防泄漏。 seal up 堵塞,封牢:An avalanche of rocks~ed up the cave. 大量崩塌的岩石将洞口堵塞住。 →′sealant n 密封胶,防渗漏剂;′sealed adj盖章证实了的,封闭的,无法弄懂的;′sealing-wax n封蜡,火漆 |
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