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单词 reap
释义 reap /ri: p; rip/ vt, vi [VP6A, 2A] cut (grain, etc), gather in a crop of grain from (a field, etc): Jfc割; 收橙: ~ a field of barley; 收割田中大麦; ~ the corn; 收割谷物; (fig) (喻) ~ the reward of virtue; 得到美德的报酬; ~ where one has not sown, profit from work done by others. 不劳而获。 (sow the wind and) ~ the whirlwind, (prov) suffer for one's foolish conduct. (谚)因做出愚行为而自食其恶果。 ing-hook n sickle. 鎌刀。 ~er n 1 person who ~s. 收割者。 2 ~ing-machine for cutting grain (and in some cases binding it into sheaves). 收割机。




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