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单词 rebound
释义 rebound /n'baund; rf baund/ W [VP2A, 3A] 1 ~ (from), spring or bounce back after hitting sth: 跃回; 弹回: The ball ~ed from the wall into the lily pond. 球从糖上弹回掉到莲花池中。 2 ~ on/ upon, (fig) come back upon the agent; happen as the consequence of one's own action: (G)自食其果; 报应: The evil you do may ~ upon yourselves. 你们所做的恶可能回报到你们自己的身上; 你们会自食恶果。 3 pt, pp of rebind. n /'riibaund; Pi/baund/ on the ~, a while bouncing back: 弹回时: hit a ball on the 击弹回之球 0 b (fig) while still reacting to depression or disappointment: (喻)沮丧或失望之余: She quarrelled with Paul and then married Peter on the 她和保罗争吵之后愤而嫁给彼得。




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