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单词 search
search/sɜ:t⨜, AmE sɜ:rt⨜/ v [-es/ ɪz/];n [-es/ ɪz/]

v 搜查(寻,索)(look through (somewhere)carefully in order to find sth missinglook at or examine (a personobjectetc) carefully in order to find sth concealed)[II+prep (for)(through),I+advT+nT+n+prep (for)]:~everywhere/all day/for hours 搜查各处/找寻一整天/搜查数小时;~for answers/the lost will/a missing boy寻找答案/丢失的遗嘱/迷失的男孩;~(through) one's pockets for a match在口袋里寻找火柴;~(in) one's handbag for some change 在提包里寻找零钱;~the house for the stolen articles在房间内查找被盗的物品;~the town for nails of the right size在小镇上寻购尺寸适合的钉子;~the woods for a missing cow在树林里寻找丢失的奶牛;~sb's face for some sign of forgiveness 在某人脸上找寻原谅的表情;The old man~ed his memory (his mind) for some words of comfort.(fig) 老人搜索枯肠想找几句安慰的话。〖同〗inspect,seek;

search one's conscience/heart (fml)扪心自问:The teacher~ed his heart (conscience)trying to decide if he had been unfair in failing Tom.老师反躬自问,给汤姆不及格是否有失公平。

search me 我不知道(infml):S~me,I don't know who took your pen.问我,我不知道谁拿走了你的笔。

search after (v prep)探索,寻找(vt):~after the lost girl 寻找丢失的姑娘;~after fame追求名利;

search out (v adv)找(查)出(vt):How can we~out the right man for the job? 我们如何才能找到这份工作的合适人选? How can we~out all the facts? 我们如何查出所有的事实?

n 搜查(寻)(act of searchingattempt to find sth)[C][N (for)]:a long (lengthy)~长时间找寻;a~for the missing jewels寻找丢失的珠宝;the~for a criminal/lost will/little girl查找罪犯/丢失的遗嘱/小姑娘;make a thorough~for the book needed 竭力查找所需的书;begin a systematic~of the place开始按部就班地搜查这个地方;His~didn't take long.他调查所用的时间不太长。〖同〗inspection,investigation,pursuit;

in search of寻找(求):go (run) out in~of food/firewood/a cheap hotel出去(跑出去)寻找吃的东西/烧的柴薪/一个廉价的旅店;Scientists are in~of the answers to the questions.科学家正在寻找诸项难题的答案。

→′searching adj 仔细探究的,追根究底的;′searcher n 探索者;′searchlight n 探照灯;′search-party n 搜索队;′search-warrant n 搜查证(明);′searchingly adv 尖锐地,锐利地





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