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单词 scrape
scrape/skreɪp/ v [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/];n

v (1)擦,削,刮(move (a rough or sharp object) across (a surface),esp to smooth or clean)[T+nT+n+adv(down/out/off),C+n+adj]:~potatoes/carrots 削土豆/胡萝卜皮;~the wall clean/the runway clear of snow 把墙擦干净/把跑道上的雪清除掉;~the wire/sb's muddy shoes with a knife 用刀子把电线皮剥掉/某人的泥鞋刮干净;~the floor/the door (down)把地板/门(上的漆)擦干净(掉);~out the jam jar/the bowl of sb's pipe/a sticky pan 把果酱罐/某人的烟斗/黏黏糊糊的锅刮干净;

(2)擦掉,刮去(remove (a layer) by rubbing)[T+n+prep(from/off),T+n+adv(away/off)]:~the rust/the old paint/the mud off (a nail)刮掉(钉子上的)锈/旧油漆/泥;~icing from the plate 把盘子上的糖霜刮掉;~the paint from the door 把门上的油漆刮掉;〖同〗 clean,smooth;

(3)擦伤,刮坏(injure or damage the skin or surface of sth by rubbing against sth rough or sharp)[T+nT+n+prep (against/on/along),T+n+prep (from/off),T+n+adv (away/off)]:~one's elbow/one's knee/one's hand (on the rock)(在石头上)擦伤自己的肘部/膝盖/手;~the side of the car along/against the wall 擦墙而过/蹭着墙时,汽车刮坏了侧面;~the skin off (from one's knee)/the paint off (from the car)蹭掉(自己膝盖上的)皮/(汽车上的)漆皮;〖同〗skin;

(4)擦(蹭,刮)(某物)(move along sth while just touching it)[I+prep (against/along/on),T+n+prep (against/along/on)]:The branches of a falling tree~d against our windows. 一棵倒下的大树树枝擦过我们的窗户。The ship~d against the buoy. 那艘船擦过浮标。 The broken tail pipe~d along the ground. 坏了的排气管与地面发生刮蹭。A boat~d along the landing stage. 一艘船与浮码头发生了刮蹭。His chair/spoon/chalk~d (on the floor). 他的椅子/勺/粉笔(在地板上)蹭来蹭去(刮来刮去)。 The steamer's keel~d a rock in the river. 轮船的龙骨碰到河里的一块石头。Stop~ing your feet on the floor. 别把脚在地板上蹭。〖同〗 scratch,grind;

(5)挖(成)(make (a holeetc) by scraping)[T+nT+n+adv (out)]:~a hole (out) in the sand/the soil 在沙子/土地上挖(成)一个洞;

scrape a living 勉强糊口:He~d a living by selling a few of his paintings. 他靠卖画勉强糊口。

scrape along/by (on)(v adv (prep))勉强维持生活(vi)(infml):Those old people have to~along/by (on pension). 那些老人们只能(靠养老金)勉强维持生活。

scrape (up) an acquaintance with... 设法接近以结识某人(infml):I managed to~up an acquaintance with some of the single passengers. 我设法和一些单身旅客接近,慢慢地便熟悉了。

scrape in/into (v adv/prep)勉强得到,挤进(vt):How on earth did he~in/into the Foreign Service? 他究竟是怎样挤进来的/挤进外交部的?

scrape (the bottom of) the barrel 好歹凑合(infml):The garage owner had to~the bottom of the barrel to get a mechanic to work for him. 汽车修理厂的厂主只好勉强雇用了一个修理工。

scrape through (v prep)勉强及格(通过)(vt):I just~d through my examination last term. 上学期我的考试勉强及格。

scrape up/together (v adv)设法凑集,积攒(vt):~up enough money for a trip/to buy a bicycle 凑足钱去旅游/买自行车;~a team together/together a few pounds 凑一个队/积攒几英镑;

→′scraper n 刮刀,刮削器;′scraping n 被刮下的碎屑;

n(1)刮擦(声)(act or sound of scraping)[Csing]:the~of sb's pen on paper/from the bow of a violin 某人的笔尖在纸上发出的沙沙声/弓在小提琴上拉出的声音;push the chair with a loud~推椅子发出很大的刺耳声;the~of the shovel against rock 铁铲在岩石上蹭来蹭去(发出的声音);

(2)擦伤(痕)(mark or slight wound made by scraping)[C]:get a bad~on one's arm/one's elbow/one's knee 使自己的胳膊/肘部/膝盖严重擦伤;a~on the wall 墙上的一道划痕;〖同〗 mark,score;

(3)(窘)困境(embarrassing or difficult situation)[C](infml):lead/get sb into~s 导致/使某人陷入困境;get sb out of~使某人摆脱困境;〖同〗 difficulty,tough spot





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