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单词 screw
screw/skru: / n & v

n (1)螺丝(钉)(type of nail with a cross or cut into its head and a raised edge running round it that can be driven and turned into woodetc)[C]:tighten (up)/loosen a~with a screwdriver用改锥拧紧螺丝/旋松螺丝;turn these~s to the left把这些螺丝钉向左旋;get the~s into a piece of wood把螺丝钉旋进一块木板;use the~for fixing it 用这个螺丝钉将它固定;〖同〗bolt;

(2)螺旋状物(thing that is turned like a screw)[C](常构成合成词):tighten the~on a cider press把果汁机上的螺旋上紧;a cork~ 瓶塞钻;

(3)转动,拧(act of twistingturn)[C]:give the lid/nut another~to make sure it doesn't come off再把盖子/螺母拧一下,确保掉不下来;

(4)螺旋桨(propelleresp of a ship or motor boat)[C]:the ship's~船的螺旋桨;a twin-~cruiser 双螺旋桨游艇;〖同〗driver,propeller;

(5)一小纸卷(包)(small twisted piece of paper containing sth)[C](尤BrE):a~of salt/tea/sugar/tobacco 一小包食盐/茶叶/食糖/烟(草);buy some salt in a~of paper 买一包食盐;

(6)工资,薪水(salary)[Ua~](BrE sl):a monthly~一个月的薪水;be on/paid a good~薪水挣得不少;

have a screw loose 有些不正常(古怪):He was a smart man but had a~loose.他长得很帅,但人有点古怪。

put the screw(s) on (sb)威逼某人做某事:The manager's putting the~s on to get him out of the shop.经理正向他施压,迫使他离店。

→′screwy adj 古怪的,异常的;′screwball n(AmE,sl)古怪的人,疯子;′screwdriver n 螺丝刀;′screwed adj 有螺钉的;′screw-topped,′screw-top adj(指罐子等)旋盖的;͵screwed-′up adj(sl)烦乱而无法处理生活问题的,搞乱的,弄糟的;

v(1)用螺丝钉固定(drive or turn round (with a screw) to tighten it)[T+nT+n+prep(to,onto),T+n+adv (together)]:a~ed joint 用螺丝钉固定的接缝;~the handles to the door用螺丝钉把拉手固定在门上;~the legs to the table用螺丝钉把桌子腿固定在桌子上;~the hooks on into the wall 把挂钩旋进墙内;~these two parts together/all the pieces of wood together用螺钉把这两部分/所有木板拧在一起;To~things together is to fasten them with a screw. 把物体拧在一起,就是用螺丝钉将它们固定在一起。〖同〗fasten,join;

(2)旋紧,拧动(twist or turn round to tighten it)[T+n+prepT+n+advC+n+adj]:~the lid on to the jar把罐子盖旋紧;~the two pieces together把两件拧在一起;~a hook on/bulb in/nut up把挂钩/灯泡/螺母拧上去;~the vice tight把虎钳拧紧;She~ed her head right round.她把头整个扭过去。〖同〗twist,turn;

(3)拧(旋)紧(be fixed by twisting or screw-ing)[I+advI+prep]:I don't know if the bulb~s in or not.我不知道这灯泡是不是拧上的;Do you know whether the lid~s off or not? 你知道盖子是不是旋开的? Make sure that the hollow tubes~s together. 查一下空心管是否接上了。the bulb~ing into the socket旋进灯口(插座)的灯泡;the top~ing on to the jar 拧在罐上的盖子;

(4)欺骗(deceive or cheat sb)[T+nT+n+prep (for)](sl):be/get~ed 受骗了(上当了);They~ed him for three thousand.他们向他骗取了3000元。〖同〗cheat;

screw up (v adv) 1)把……揉成一团(vt):~up the drawing/the note/the letter into a ball and threw it out of the window把画/笔记/信揉成一团,扔出窗外; 2)用螺丝固定(拧紧)(vt):~the board up firmly to the window frame把这块木板用螺丝固定在窗户框上; 3)(因强光、疼痛等)皱紧(面孔等) (vt): Her face~ed up as her tongue touched the bitter fruit.舌头一碰到苦味的水果,她的脸便皱起来。She~ed her nose up in disgust.她厌恶地皱起鼻子。 4)搞乱(糟)(vt):Having the car stolen completely~up everything/up our holiday plan.汽车被盗把一切都打乱了/把我们的假日计划完全打乱了。

screw up one's courage 鼓起勇气:He~ed up his courage to ask her to marry him.他鼓起勇气向她求婚。Don't stand there;~up your courage and jump. 别站在那儿,鼓起勇气跳。

screw sth out of sth/sb 1)从某物中拧出某物:~the soapy water out of the cloth把布里的肥皂水拧干;2)逼某人交出:~some money/information out of a poor man by threats用威协的手段从可怜的人那里弄到钱/得到消息





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