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单词 scent
scent/sent/ nvt [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)气(香)味(smellusu a pleasant one)[CU]:the~s of the grass and wild flowers 草和野花的气味;a delightful/sweet~of flowering azaleas 开放的杜鹃花的香味/芳香;the~of lemons/leaves/flowers 柠檬/树叶/花的香味;A blind man knows fruits by their~. 盲人是根据气味知道水果的。〖同〗perfume;

(2)香水(liquid or cream with a pleasant smellfor use on the body;perfume)[U](esp BrE):a bottle of~一瓶香水;smell of strong/French~闻起来有浓烈的/法国香水味;wear/use too much (a little)~带有/用了太多(一点)香水;put some~on(a handkerchief)(在手绢上)洒些香水;a~bottle 香水瓶;〖同〗perfume;

(3)(走过留下的)气味,踪迹,线索(smell left in passing;cluetrail or guide)[C,通常sing]:pick up/follow/recover the~of the thief (fox) 找到/追踪/发现小偷(狐狸)的踪迹;a cold/poor/hot/strong/false~(猎物的)微弱/微弱/强烈/强烈/错误的臭迹;The dogs lost the deer's/man's~. 这些狗无法嗅出那只鹿/那个人的踪迹。〖同〗trail,track;

(4)嗅(察)觉能力(ability of people or animals to smell scent)[Ua~][N (of)]:have a very keen/acute~(for sth)(对某事)有敏锐/敏锐的嗅觉;a dog with a good/nice~嗅觉敏锐/敏锐的狗;hunt by~凭嗅觉追猎;Dogs and cats have a much better~than people have. 狗和猫的嗅觉比人灵敏。a~of danger/fear/trouble感到危险/害怕/麻烦;a~of corruption/scandal 腐败/要出丑闻的迹象;

on the scent (of sth/sb)找到线索,追踪:The police are on the~of the escaped convict. 警察已找到了在逃犯的线索。

put/throw sb off the scent 迷惑,摆脱跟踪:She told the police a lie in order to throw them off the~. 她对警察撒了谎,以此来迷惑他们。He tried to throw the detectives off the~. 他企图摆脱侦探的跟踪。

vt(1)嗅(闻)出自(smell (sth);discover (sth) by the sense of smell) [T+n]: ~a mouse/a rat/a fox 闻到耗子/老鼠/狐狸的气味;~roses in the garden 闻到花园里玫瑰的芳香;〖同〗 smell,trace,track;

(2)察觉出,怀疑有(suspect or have a feelingthat sthusu bad has happened or will happen)[T+n]:~trouble/danger/a trick/a crime 觉察到有麻烦/有危险/是诡计/有人犯罪;〖同〗detect,suspect,sense;

(3)使有香味(cause to smell pleasantly)[尤passT+nT+n+prep (with)]:~ed writing-paper/soap 有香味的稿纸/香皂;use sth to~one's hair/one's clothes 用某物使自己的头发/衣服有香味;The roses/newly-cut flowers~ed the air (the room). 玫瑰花/新剪下的花使空气(房中)充满了芳香。~the clothes with musk/sachet 用麝香/香袋熏衣服;The air was~ed with perfume. 空气中充满了香味。〖同〗perfume





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