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单词 seat
seat/si:t/ n [-s/s/];vt [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)座位;椅(凳)子(thing to sit on as a chairbenchstooletc)[C]:find/take/have a~找/就/就座;rise from one's/sit in one's~从座位上站起来/坐在座位上;use a rock/table/crate as a~用石块/桌子/板条箱当凳子坐;a front~in a car车上的前排座;a stone~in a park公园里的石凳;an empty~in a hall 大厅里的空座;Are there enough~s for everyone?座位够大家坐吗?〖同〗chair,bench;

(2)座(位),位子(place or space in a vehicletheatreconcert halletc where one has to pay to sit)[C]:keep/take one's~在座/就座;reserve a~at the opera预订一张歌剧票;buy a~to the show 购买一张演出票;book a~on a plane 预订一张飞机票;get a~for the play 得到戏剧票;All the~s are full. 座满。 All the~s are free/taken/reserved/paid for.座位都空着/占用/订出/买走了。The cheaper~s were all filled for the night.今晚的廉价票位爆满。〖同〗chair;

(3)(椅、凳的)座部(part of a chairbenchetc on which one sits)[C]:a bench/bicycle~凳子面/自行车座;chair with wooden/cane/upholstered~s 木座/藤座/装有座垫的椅子;a cushion on the~of an armchair沙发椅的座垫;This chair~is broken.这椅面破损了。

(4)臀部;裤子后裆(part of the body on which one sits;part of a garment covering this)[C](fml):His~is rather sore from riding a bicycle.骑车骑得他屁股都疼了。a hole in the~of one's trousers (pants) 裤子(短裤)后裆穿破了一个洞;His jeans had a gaping hole in the~.他的牛仔裤后裆绽开了。〖同〗bottom;

(5)席(职)位(official position as a member of a group of law-making peoplecouncilcommitteeetc)[C]:win a/lose one's~in the election 在选举中赢得一席/失去席位;a~on the stock exchange股票交易所的职位;run for/be appointed to/be elected to a~in the House of Commons竞选/被任命/当选下议院议员;have a majority of 42~s in the parliament 在议院中获得42席的多数;She has resigned her~on the town council.她辞掉了市议会议员。〖同〗membership;

(6)议会议员的选区(place in which parliamentary members are elected)[C](尤BrE):~s in the South of England 英格兰南部选区;

(7)所在地;中心(place that is the center of some activityorganizationetc)[C][N (of)](fml):the~of the U.S.government美国政府所在地;the~of Russian Revolution俄国革命的发源地;the~s of film industry 电影工业的诞生地;Universities are~s of learning.大学是学术中心。The heart is the~of passion.心灵是情感之源。〖同〗centre,heart,site,location;

(8)宅院;别墅(place of residenceesp a large house on an estate)[C](旧用法):the country~in Yorkshire 约克郡的一所乡村别墅;The castle was the~of a noble family.城堡原是一贵族家庭的宅院。〖同〗residence,house,dwelling,location;

(9)骑马的姿势(manner of sitting on horseback)[Ua~]:a rider with a bad~ 姿势不好的骑手;

drive/fly by the seat of one's pants 凭感觉(经验):Many pilots in World War I had to fly by the~of their pants.一战中许多飞行员完全凭直觉飞行。


vt(1)使坐下(cause a person to sit down)[T+npass](fml):~a boy on a stool/in a chair 让男孩坐在小凳上/椅子上;~oneself at a desk/on the grass/in an armchair 在桌子边/草地上/沙发里坐下;The usher will not~latecomers.引座员将不为晚来者找座。〖同〗settle;

(2)可容纳;有……座位(have or provide seats for a certain number of people)[T+n]:an auditorium that~s 500可容纳500人的礼堂;The table/car can~eight.这张桌子/这辆汽车能坐八个人。〖同〗contain,accommodate,take;

→′seating n 坐位安排;

【辨异】 1)seatsit均有“坐”的意思。sit是vi,指坐在某处,常与介词搭配使用。介词的使用视其后的词而定,如:sit at one's desk(坐在桌子边);If you can't find a seat you'll have to sit on the floor.(如果找不到座位,你就得席地而坐。)seat是vt,其意义为 “使坐,使就座”,如:We are all~ed.(我们都就座了。)be seated指坐着的姿态,如:Please~yourselves (or Please be~ed.)(请坐。)这个句子中的seat oneself,或 be seated指动作。注意下面句子中seat的语义为“安置成坐的姿势”:She~ed the child on her knee.(她把孩子放在她膝盖上坐着。) 2)seatplaceroomspace的区别见PLACE。





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