释义 |
欢天喜地huān tiān xǐ dìbe filled with joy; be happy beyond words; be in high glee; be wild with joy; extremely (/highly) delighted (/elated);jubilant; one’s joy knows no bounds;overjoyed;raptured; rapturous; with boundless joy ❍ 宁荣两处上下内外等,莫不~,独有宝玉置若罔闻。(《红楼梦》175)There was one person who did not share the un bounded delight now general among the members of the Ning-guo and Rong-guo households—who be haved indeed,almost as if he had not heard the news at all. ❍ 两个小头目听了这话,~。(《水浒全传》195)The two small chieftains,hearing these words,were glad to Heaven and joyous to earth. ❍ 立安更是~,走路甩起膀子,就像飞似的。(陶承《我的一家》52) He was happy beyond words,jumping excitedly as he walked along. ❍ 那小厮~,答应去了。(《红楼梦》476) The boy assented and made off in high spirits. ❍ 刚才二奶奶从老太太屋里回来,不似往日~的,…… (《红楼梦》872)Since coming back from the old lady’s place she hasn’t looked her usual cheerful self. ❍ 汇聚到西村中间北头的一块四四方方的留麦地里,~的等待着。(冯志《敌后武工队》453) They converged on a square field from which the wheat had been harvested between the two villages. joy was everywhere. ❍ 小伙子瞧着大水他俩笑开了,说: “哈,真是八路军来了,我还当作假的呢!”说罢,~地跑出来了。(袁静《新儿女英雄传》249) The boy laughed delightedly. “You really are Ba Lu! I thought you were lying to us.”He ran out of the compound at top speed. ❍ 但进化的途中总须新陈代谢。所以新的应该~的向前走去,这便是壮,旧的也应该~的向前走去,这便是死; 各各如此走去,便是进化的路。(鲁迅《热风·随感录四十九》42) But to have evolution the young must supersede the old. Thus the new should advance joyously towards maturity,while the old advance joyously towards death. When all tread this path,that is evolution. ❍ 栾超家、白茹、陈振仪一听到这个痛快的命令,立即~地跑出去。(曲波《林海雪原》446) When Chaojia,White Dove and Zhenyi,the young bodyguard,heard this thoroughgoing order,they dashed out,overjoyed. 欢天喜地huan tian xi diwith boundless joy 欢天喜地with boundless joy;wild with joy;overjoyed 欢天喜地huān tiān xǐ dì形容非常愉快、高兴。overjoyed, filled with great joy, dance for joy, go into raptures, be elated and happy |