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单词 欢欣鼓舞

欢欣鼓舞huān xīn gǔ wǔ

be filled with joy (/exultation); be full of joy; exultant; be jubilant over;be overjoyed at (/with); dance with pleasure (/joy/delight/elation); be delighted(/gladdened/elated/rejoiced/overjoyed/jubilant) and inspired(/encouraged); rejoice (at sth.); with great jubilation
❍ 在这些屋里住的人们,男的,女的,老的,少的,看见春天降临,大地将有一番新的事业,新的成功,他们也~,不贪懒,不避劳,在那里努力工作着吧。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》 141) The people that lived in them,men and women,old and young,seeing the advent of spring with its promise to the countryside of new work crowned by a new harvest,were probably filled with the same joy and enthusiasm as he was as they threw themselves wholeheartedly and ungrudgingly into their work.
❍ 中国人民解放战争由防御转到进攻,不能不引起这些被压迫民族的~。(《毛泽东选集》1140) The turn of the Chinese People’s War of Liberation from the defensive to the offensive cannot but gladden and inspire these oppressed nations.
❍ 整个世界,除了帝国主义者和各国反动派,对于中国人民的这个伟大的胜利,没有不~的。(《毛泽东选集》1358) The whole world,except the imperialists and the reactionaries in various countries,is elated and inspired by this great victory of the Chinese people.
❍ 老百姓是粮谷入仓,土地还家,男男女女,老老少少,无不~,…… (曲波《林海雪原》 2) The peasants nave grain in their granaries,and own land of their own to till. Everyone is happy.
❍ 现在全国农村已经出现了社会主义改造的高潮,群众~。(《中国农村的社会主义高潮》128) A high tide of socialist transformation is sweeping through the rural areas,and the masses are jubilant.
❍ 全世界劳动人民~,新中国屹立在世界的东方。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》518) The working people of the world rejoice as the new China rises majestically in the East…

欢欣鼓舞huan xin gu wu

filled with exultation


be filled with exultation(/elated)


jubilant;be filled with exultation;be elated
~地迎接新的一年usher in the new year with great rejoicing;hail the new year with elation

欢欣鼓舞huān xīn ɡǔ wǔ

欢欣:快乐;鼓舞:振作。形容十分高兴,十分振奋。be filled with exultations, dance with joy, delighted and inspired, be elated and inspired





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