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单词 screen
screen/skri:n/ n & vt

n (1)屏风,幕,帘,挡板(lightuprightmoveable framework used to separate one thing from anotheresp to hide sth or protect sb from sth dangerous or unpleasant)[C]:a folding~折叠式屏风;an Oriental~东方式屏风;change clothes/get undressed behind a~在屏风后换衣服/脱衣服;keep sth behind a~在屏风后放东西;pull~s round the patient's bed 在病人床的周围拉上帘帐;put~in front of the fire在炉火前方放置挡板;〖同〗curtain;

(2)掩护(蔽)物(anything that serves to protectshelter or hide)[C]:under cover of a smoke-~在烟幕的掩护下;hide behind a~of bushes/trees/pines 隐蔽在灌木/树木/松树之后;hide behind a~of ivy across the window藏在窗前的长春藤之后;use a blanket as a~for keeping the wind off 用一条毯子挡风;a~for criminal/spying activities 进行犯罪/间谍活动的掩护;His job was a~for his illegal activities.他以工作为掩护,进行非法活动;The dense fog acted as a~for the smugglers.浓雾为走私分子提供了掩护。〖同〗cover,protection;

(3)电影,影视(业)(cinema or film business)[Uthe~]:write for the~为电影写对白;adapt a play for the~把戏剧改写为电影;bring a story to the~把故事搬上银幕;make several films for both the big and small~制作几部影视剧;a star of stage and~舞台和电影明星;a~actor/star/writer 电影演员/电影明星/电影剧本作家;a~test试镜;~performance上演;〖同〗movie,film;

(4)(电影院的)银幕,(电视机、计算机等的)荧光屏(flat surface in a cinema or on a television or computer monitor on which picture or words are shown)[C]:a cinema~电影银幕;a computer/television/radar~计算机/电视/雷达屏幕;appear on the~在银幕上出现;see sb on the~在银幕上看见某人;show pictures on the~放映电影;put up the~in the corner of the room在室内墙角处立起一屏幕;Cinemas have very large,wide~s.影院设有巨幅宽银幕。Our television has a 32-inch~.我们有一台32英寸(屏幕)电视机。

(5)纱窗(门),筛子(frame of wire net with very small holes which allows air but not insets to move through itor is used for separat-ing coalgraveletc by passing through it)[C]:a door-/window-~纱门/窗;~s on the windows 窗上的纱扇;close the~s 关上纱窗;The~door sprang shut.纱门砰地关上了。sift sand through a~用筛子筛沙子;〖同〗filter;

vt(1)掩蔽(藏),隔开(hideprotect or shelter with a screen)[T+nT+n+prep (from/aganst),T+n+adv (off),T+n+adv (off)prep(from)]:the trees~ing the house遮蔽住这座房子的树木;the shrubbery~ing all of us掩护我们大家的灌木;the dense forest that~s enemy's movements.遮蔽敌人行动的密林;The father moved in front of his daughter trying to~her. 父亲挪到了女儿的前面想掩护她。~one's face from the fire with a fan用扇子掩面以避火烤;~one's eyes from light with one's hand 用手挡在眼前以避亮光;Use a hand to~the lens of your camera from direct sunlight.用手遮住相机镜头,不受阳光直接照射。The tall grass~ed him from view. 深草遮掩住了他。The big wall~ed us against the wind. 大墙使我们免遭风吹。~off part of the room and use it as a temporary office把房间隔开一部分,用作临时办公室;He was~ed off from his men by the mountains.大山把他和他手下的人隔开了。〖同〗shade,conceal,hide;

(2)包庇,保(袒)护(keep sb safe from punishmentblameetc)[T+nT+n+prep(from)]:~one's guilty son包庇犯罪的儿子;~the bandits保护一伙土匪;be willing to~one's old friend from blame愿意保护老朋友不遭责怪;~one's father from police investigation保护父亲逃避警察调查;Parents can't~their children from real life for ever.(fig)父母不能总护着孩子,不让他们接触实际生活。〖同〗defend;

(3)审查,筛查,测试(examine or test sb to find out if there is sth wrong)[T+nT+n+prep (for)]:~job applicants/sb's application/government employees/several hundred people审查求职人员/某人申请/政府雇员/几百人;He was well~ed before he took the job. 他经严格的筛查后才得到这份工作。All women over 50 should be~ed for breast cancer. 所有50岁以上的妇女应做乳腺癌检查。〖同〗examine,test;

(4)放映(电影),播放(节目)(show in a cinema or on television)[T+n,通常pass]:The film will be~ed next week. 这部影片下周上映。His new movie will be~ed nationwide .他的新作向全国推出。This program will be soon~ed nationwide. 这个节目很快向全国播放。They will~an abbreviated version of the book at 8 pm.他们晚上8点放映该书的缩写本电影。〖同〗show,present;

(5)装纱门(窗),筛(煤等)(provide or pass sth with a screen)[T+n]:~the windows给这些窗子装纱窗;~coal/sand/gravel筛煤/沙子/砾石;〖同〗separate;

→′screening n 电影放映;′screenplay n 电影剧本;′sunscreen n 防晒剂





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