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单词 sea
sea/si: / n

(1)海(洋)(salty water that covers a large part of the earth's surfaceocean)[Uthe~,pl]:swim in/sail on/flow into the~在海里游泳/在海上航行/流入大海;the animals and plants living in the~ 生活在海中的动植物;the smooth/calm/rough/choppy~ 平平静静/风平浪静/浪涛汹涌/波涛翻滚的大海;in warm/cold/quiet~在温暖/寒冷/平静的海水中;the tropical~热带海域;travel by (fly over) land and~走陆路和海路旅行(飞越陆地和海洋);the bottom/surface of the~海底(面);head towards the open~朝外海驶去;have the right to sail on the high~s有权在公海航行;sail the~s 航海;sail into quieter~s 驶入较平静的海域;a~animal/fish/bird 海洋生物/海鱼/海鸟;a~route/shell 海路/贝壳;~water/food/travel/traffic海水/海鲜/海上旅游/海上交通;〖同〗ocean,waters,deep;〖反〗land;

(2)(比洋小的水域)海(particular area of watersmaller than an ocean (used as a part of a proper name))[C](常cap):the Mediterranean /Caribbean /South China /Baltic/North/Black S~ 地中海/加勒比海/南中国海/波罗的海/北海/黑海;

(3)内海,淡(咸)水湖(large body of fresh or salt water partly or completely surrounded by land)[C]:the S~of Aral/of Galilee咸海/加利利海;the Caspian/Dead S~里海/死海;

(4)海浪(condition of the ocean's surface with regard to its waves or swells)[C,常pl]:a calm/light/big/stormy/turbulent/heavy~风平浪静/风浪不大/大浪滔天/风急浪高/波涛汹涌/巨浪滔天的海面;The ship foundered in/ran into/encountered mountainous~s.船只遭遇排山巨浪。〖同〗wave,flood;

(5)大量(片)的(vast extent;a lot of)[C][N(of)](fig):a~of ice/mud/flame/corn 一大片冰/泥沼/火海/庄稼;the~of faces数不清的脸;a~of trouble/complains大量问题/无穷抱怨;The fields were a~of beautiful wild flowers in spring.春天的原野是野花的海洋,十分漂亮。〖同〗flood,mass;

at sea 1)在海上(的轮船等之上):a storm/submarine at~海上的风暴/海面上的潜艇;staying at~for several months在海上数月; 2)茫然,不知所措:When it comes to mathematics,I'm completely at~.一涉及数学,我就不知所措。an old man who was all at~with the new coins.对新硬币感到茫然的老人;

beyond/over the sea(s)在(到)海外(fml):our friends beyond the~我们海外的朋友;living beyond the~for many years 在海外生活多年;

by the sea在海边(滨):enjoy one's day/a pleasant weekend by the~在海滨好好过一天/一个愉快的周末;

go/run away to sea当水手:As a boy his great ambition was to go to~.他儿时的远大抱负就是当水手。

on the sea 在海岸边:Brighten is on the~.布赖顿是一座海滨城市。

put (out) to sea启航,出海:The ship was unable to put out to~on account of the gale.船只因狂风不能出海。

→′sea-bird n 海鸟;′seaboard n 沿海地区,海滨;′sea-borne adj 海运的;′sea-bream n欧鳊(一种鲤科的淡水鱼);′sea-breeze n 海风;′sea-cow n 海牛;′sea-dog n 老水手;′seafarer n 水手,海员;′seafaring adj 航海的,海上工作的;′seafood n 海味;′seagoing adj 远洋航行的;′sea-green adj 海绿色的;′seagull n 海鸥;′sea-horse n 海马;′sea-kale n 海甘蓝;′sea-legs n 在甲板上行走自如;′sea-level n 海平面;′sea-lion n 海狮;′seaman n 水兵,水手;′seamanship n 船舶驾驶术;′sea-pink n海石竹(沿海或高山植物,开鲜艳的粉红色花);′seaplane n 水上飞机;′seapot n 海港市镇;′seascape n 海景画;′sea-shore n 海岸,海滨;′seasick adj 晕船的;′seaside n 海滨;′sea-urchin n 海胆;′sea-wall n 海堤;′sea-way n 航线,航行;′seaweed n海藻(草);′seaworthy adj 适于航海的;′sea-shell n 贝壳;′seawards adv 朝海,向海





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