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单词 register
register/′redʒ ɪstǝ(r)/ nv [-ing/rɪ ŋ/]

n (1)登记(本),注册(簿)((book containing an) official or formal list recording namesevents or itemsetc)[C]:a school attendance/hotel/parish/household/shipping/voting~上课出勤/旅馆住宿/教区记事/户口/船舶/选民登记簿;an electoral~ 选民登记簿;a~of attendance/births/marriages/deaths/all real-estate properties 出席人员(签到)/出生/结婚/死亡/所有不动产登记册;have/keep/establish a~of 40 students'(employees') names and address 有/有/设立40名学生(雇员)姓名与住址的花名册;make an entry~ 登记注册; enter names in the~ 在注册簿上登记姓名;The school has 1000 students on the~. 那所学校有1000名注册学生。call the (names on the)~点名;a~office 注册登记处;〖同〗record book,log;

(2)记录器(recording device that accumulates datatotal sums of moneyetc)[C]:a cash/line/programme/timing~现金出纳机/(电话)次数自动记录器/程序储存器/自动计时器;He rang up the sale on the~. 他将售货款记入现金出纳机。

(3)音域(range of a voice or musical instrument)[C,通常sing]:notes in the upper/middle/low~高/中/低音区的音符;the lower~of a clarinet/a trumpet/a tenor 单簧管/小号/男高音的低音区;The singer's voice had a wide~. 那位歌唱家有很宽的音域。〖同〗 range,scope;

(4)(语言学的)语域(range of wordsgrammar and style of a language associated with a particular social situation or subject matter)[CU]:write in (a) formal~/in the~of informal speech 用正式语体/非正式口语体写作;an informal~非正式语体;a slang~ 俚语语体;specialist~s of French 法语的专业术语;

v (1)注册,登记((cause to)enter(an eventperson's nameownershipetc) in a list)[II+prep(at/for/with),T+nT+n+prep(in),C+n+aspass]:You must~if you intend to vote. 如果你想参加选举,必须先登记。~at a hotel/the congress 在旅馆登记/向大会报到;~for work(at the employment agency)/the new school year/Arabic course(在职业介绍所)登记找工作/新学年注册/注册修阿拉伯语;~with the local health center/the proper authorities/the police/the embassy/a local doctor 在当地的卫生院/有关部门/警方/大使馆/一名当地的医生那里登记;~the birth of a baby/the names of absent students 登记婴儿的出生/缺席学生的姓名; ~the patent/the trade-mark(on the book of the Patent Office)(在专利局)登记专利/注册商标;The house/car is~ed in my name. 这所房子/这辆汽车是以我的名字登记的。~as a voter/a student at a university/a student on the English course 选民登记/注册上大学/注册修那门英语课;a~ed (as) disabled 一个登记在册的残疾人;a~ed nurse/trade mark 一注册护士/商标;〖同〗check in,sign up;

(2)记录,显示(show or be shown on a scale or other measuring instrument)[IT+n]:The current (pressure) didn't~on the meter/the dial. 流量(压力)并没有在仪表/表盘上显示出来。The court stenographer~ed the trial proceedings. 法庭速记员记录了审讯过程。 The thermometer~ed minus five last night. 温度计显示了昨晚气温为零下5度。〖同〗 record,show;

(3)(正式)提出(present formally in writing for consideration)[T+nT+n+prep(with/at)](fml):~one's complaint(with the manager/the authority)(向经理/当局)提出申诉;~one's protest at the government's action/one's opposition to the cuts in education 对政府的行为提出抗议/对削减教育经费表示反对;

(4)显出(表情),流露(show or be shown in a person's face;bearing)[T+n]:His face (He)~ed disbelief/dismay/surprise/no motion. 他的脸上(他)流露出不相信/显出沮丧/显出惊讶/毫无表情。〖同〗show,indicate,exhibit;

(5)(被)意识到(注意,记住)((of things)be fully realized or noticed;(of people)notice or remember)[II+prep(with),T+n 通常negT+that](infml):Her uncle's death/His name didn't~(with her). 她忘记了她叔叔的去世/他的名字。I saw the smoke but it didn't~(with me)that the house was on fire. 我看见烟了,但(我)没意识到房子着火了。

(6) 1)邮寄挂号(信等)(cause (mail) to be officially recorded by the post office)[T+n]:~post/mail/a letter/a parcel 挂号寄邮件/邮件/信/包裹;~ed post/(AmE) mail 挂号邮件;a~ed letter 一封挂号信; 2)保险托运(send sth by train or shippaying extra to insure it in case it is lost or damaged)[尤passT+nT+n+prep(to)]:~luggage on a railway 把行李交给铁路保险托运;luggage~ed to destination/London 付保险费托运到目的地/伦敦的行李;

→ ͵regis′trar n 户籍员;教务长,教务主任;专科住院医师;͵regis′tration n 登记,注册;挂号;注册的事项;′registry n 登记(注册)处





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