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单词 any
any/′eni/ det, pron & adv

det(1)一些(不确定的量)(unspecified amount of)(与[U] n 连用;用于否定句、疑问句和含有否定或疑问意义的句子以及 if/whether引导的从句中):Has he had~trouble? 他遇到过什么麻烦吗? He could not be angry for~length of time.他一会儿就不生气了。I've got hardly~butter left.我几乎没剩什么黄油了。He finished the job without~difficulty.他毫不费劲地完成了那项工作。To avoid~delay please phone your order direct.为了避免延误时日,请直接打电话定购。If there's~beer,pour it out.如果还有啤酒,请倒出来。I wonder whether there is~difficulty.我想知道是否有困难。

(2)一些(不确定的数)(unspecified number of)(与[C]的pl n连用;用于否定句、疑问句和含有否定或疑问意义的句子以及if /whether引导的从句中):Are there~coins in that bag? 那个包里有硬币吗? We don't accept~students.我们不收学生。There are scarcely~flowers in the garden.花园里几乎没什么花。They bought a dog to prevent~burglaries.他们买了一只狗以防窃贼。I wonder whether Mr Smith has~children.我想知道史密斯先生是否有孩子。

(3)一(个,本……)(a;one)(与[C]的sing n连用;用于否定句、疑问句和含有否定或疑问意义的句中以及 if /whether引导的从句中):Hasn't he got~idea? 他没有想法? There isn't~house near here.这附近没有房子。If you see~interesting book,please buy it for me.如果你看见什么有趣的书,请替我买下。

(4)任何一个,无论哪一个(one example out of a number;no matter which)(与[C]的sing n连用;用于肯定句):You can take ~book I have/you like.你可以拿我有的/你喜欢的任何一本书。Come~day you like.你爱哪天来就哪天来。

(5)每一个,个个(every individual of;no matter which)(用于肯定句):A~schoolboy could tell you the answer.任何一个学生都能告诉你这个答案。A~room/sort/colour/time will do.哪个房间/种类/颜色/时间都行。

(6)通常的,普遍的(a normal;an ordinary)(与[C]的sing n连用,用于否定句和if/whether引导的从句中):He isn't just~man — he's the king.他不是一个普通人——他是国王。This university doesn't accept just~student.这所大学不是随便什么学生都收的。

pron(1)一些(点,个)(unspecified amount or number)(用于否定句、疑问句和含有否定和疑问意义的句子以及if/whether引导的从句中):Did you see~(of the others)? 你见过(其他人中的)哪一个吗? I want some milk.Is there~? 我想要牛奶。有吗? I haven't been to~(of the places).我没有去过(这些地方中的)任何一处。It is impossible to get~(of the information).不可能得到什么(情报)。If you want~(of mine), please tell me.你要是想要(我的)哪一个,就请告诉我。Give him some coffee if there is~.给他些咖啡,如果有的话。I wonder whether he saw~(of them). 我想知道他是否见过(他们中的)谁。

(2)任何,无论(any example(s) or individual(sany quantity or number;no matter which):You can take~(of the books) I have/you like.你可以拿我有的/你喜欢的任何一本(书)。I need sugar,so bring me~you can find.我需要糖,你能找到多少都给我拿来。A~(of these) may suit you.(这些中的)无论哪个都可能适合你。

if any 即使有的话:There is very little milk if~.即使是有牛奶的话,也只有一点点。They have few if~problems with their experiment.他们的实验即使有问题也很少。

adv 稍,……一些(in or to any degree or extent;by a small amount;at all)(用于否定句、疑问句及if /whether引导的从句中;多见于比较级前):Are you feeling~better? 你觉得好一些了吗? Does the radio disturb you~? 收音机对你有什么打扰吗?We don't think her writing has improved~.我们认为她的文风没什么改进。He hopes you won't be~(the) worse for it. 他希望你不会因此而更糟。So they went home, without being~(the) wiser.于是他们回家了,并没有聪明多少。I'll fire if you come~nearer.如果你再走近一点,我就开枪了。

any good 有任何用处:We'll buy it if it's~good.如果这有什么用处,我们会买下来。

any more 再也(不):She doesn't live here~more.她再也不住在这儿了。

【辨异】 anysome都可用于疑问句,不同在于:用some时,问话者心中希望的回答是肯定的;而用any时,问话者对回答一无所知。试对比:Is there some bread to eat? I can smell it.(有面包吃吧?我闻到面包味了。)Is there any bread to eat? I'm hungry.(有什么面包吃吗?我饿了。)





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