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单词 anxiety
anxiety/ æ ŋ′zaɪ əti/ n [-yies /z/ ]

(1)焦(忧)虑,不安(troubled feeling caused by worryfear or uncertainty about sth)[U] [N(for)]:feel(have/be filled with)strong(keen)~for (about) mother's return/sb's safety/sb's health/the future 感到(觉得/充满)对母亲的归来/某人的安全/某人的健康/未来的极度焦虑;one's~over what was to be done 不知如何是好的忧虑;wait in~/with a growing sense of~焦虑/越来越焦虑地等待;ask with a touch of~有点焦虑地问;tremble with~焦虑得颤抖;cause sb great~使某人极度不安;〖同〗uneasiness,unease,fear,worry;〖反〗relief,assurance,certainty;

(2)令人不安(焦虑)的事(example of such a feeling)[C]:All his cares and~ies make him look quite old/left him exhausted.他心事重重、焦虑不安,这使他显得苍老/心力交瘁。remove all sb's~ies 消除某人一切忧虑;After that he had no more~ies at all.打那以后,他再也没有什么可焦虑的了。

(3)焦虑不安的原因(cause of this)[C]:His sick mother is a great~to him.生病的母亲是他的一大心病。John's illness is just another~for his poor mother.约翰的病是他可怜的母亲的又一大愁事。one's major financial~ies 某人财政方面的主要担忧;

(4)渴(热)望(strong desirewish or eagerness to do sth)[U] [N+to-infN(for)]:His~to succeed led him to work hard.成功的渴望使他发奋。one's~to do well/to please sb 干好事情/取悦某人的渴望;one's~for knowledge/promotion/the news 对知识/提升/消息的渴望;〖同〗 eagerness;

←′anxious adj;






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